Daily Check-in: Monday, September 9th

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Blenders!

How are you all doin today? How was your weekend? Did you have fun/get some rest?

I hope so!

The weather turned out a lot more pleasant and Fall-like then originally predicted, so we got a lot of adventuring in on Saturday-- while Sunday we watched football (Hawks won!! May not of been pretty, but still a W! #GoHawks) and did some baking! It was fantastic, and really got me in the mood for all things Fall!

That's why today's pic is some of some pretty maple leaves that are changing! I love the way maple leaves change--and their colors are so varied, that it's really kinda cool to see!

How's the weather been in your part of the world, Blenders? Cool, and Fall-like? Or maybe Summer's still holdin on, and it's a bit warm? Or maybe for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere, it's finally starting to feel like Spring for you?

No matter what the weather does, I hope you're able to enjoy it!

Alright, now let's talk a bit about some workouts!

How 'bout it Blenders? Are you planning on starting your week with a hard-hitter? Or maybe it's more of a relaxing kind of Monday for you?

I'm ready to get my sweat on, so I'm gonna schedule my favorite lower body workout: https://www.fitnessblender.com/videos/hiit-cardio-and-butt-and-thigh-workout-hiit-and-strength This one never fails to deliver in the 'glute burn' department! (There's a whole department for that?! Who knew? 😂)

And how about some good food goin on today, Blenders? Whats on the menu?

We're gonna do some roasted cherry tomatoes with pasta! Maybe throw some chicken in and serve with a salad. Sounds good to me!

And with that, I'll quit my rambling!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and thanks so much for checking in with me!

Remember to take of yourselves today---hydrate, keep good form during workouts, rest with intention, and eat deliciously!

Have a great day FB Fam!
