Now on to today's random photo! This is a Rattlesnake Root! Called as such because the roots of the plant were used to treat snake bites! Plus, they have interesting bell-shaped blossoms--so a pretty awesome plant overall, if you ask me!
And how about some workouts occurring this weekend, Blenders? Are you gonna 'weekend warrior' it, or take some time off?
I'm taking time off! I'm tired, and I think I'm just gonna nap with Furry Trainers and watch football (we've got college games today, and NFL tomorrow! Yay!). That's about it! haha
And some good food goin on this weekend? What's on the menu FB Fam?
Not sure yet--but I know it'll include a lot of tomatoes! I've been wanting to make a tomato tart or galette, so I might do something like that!
Well FB Fam, that's about it from me today!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Take care, stay safe, and find some fun in the next couple days--you deserve it!
Daily Check-in: Saturday, September 7th & Sunday, September 8th
Hello Blenders and Happy Weekend to you all!
How're you doin on this fine weekend? Do you have any fun plans? Or maybe just chillin out and takin a break?
I hope you get to do a bit of both!
I also wanna thank you all for taking part in yesterday's "Ask a Blender" Fitness Friday check-in! You guys ask the best questions, and we have some awesome discussions as a result--so thank you for taking part! (If you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post:
Now on to today's random photo! This is a Rattlesnake Root! Called as such because the roots of the plant were used to treat snake bites! Plus, they have interesting bell-shaped blossoms--so a pretty awesome plant overall, if you ask me!
And how about some workouts occurring this weekend, Blenders? Are you gonna 'weekend warrior' it, or take some time off?
I'm taking time off! I'm tired, and I think I'm just gonna nap with Furry Trainers and watch football (we've got college games today, and NFL tomorrow! Yay!). That's about it! haha
And some good food goin on this weekend? What's on the menu FB Fam?
Not sure yet--but I know it'll include a lot of tomatoes! I've been wanting to make a tomato tart or galette, so I might do something like that!
Well FB Fam, that's about it from me today!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend, and thanks so much for checking in with me!
Take care, stay safe, and find some fun in the next couple days--you deserve it!
Have a great weekend, Blenders!