led me to the doctor with a huge swollen belly, which, as it turn out is Ovarian Cancer. i go in for surgery this Wednesday. This all started in the space of just 3 weeks. I felt my strong Fitness Blender Body getting weaker, my belly bloating like a penguin and overall lethargy. I do credit my workouts through Fitness Blender in helping me take quick action on my health. I will be starting a journey and wanted to reach out to my FB family for support.
Knowing my exact body due to Fitness Blender...
led me to the doctor with a huge swollen belly, which, as it turn out is Ovarian Cancer. i go in for surgery this Wednesday. This all started in the space of just 3 weeks. I felt my strong Fitness Blender Body getting weaker, my belly bloating like a penguin and overall lethargy. I do credit my workouts through Fitness Blender in helping me take quick action on my health. I will be starting a journey and wanted to reach out to my FB family for support.