I guess I wanted to show off a little what my gym looks like now :) my boyfriend and I had a set of Powerblock dumbbells already, but we didn't have a home for them that wasn't the ground or a table (which was getting warped because of the weight). So we got the stands from Powerblock with the gift certificate!!
I'm very happy with how our little area is now, and turns out they shipped from Owatana MN, so it's even a local state business we got to support!!
Thank you so much again for the support and thank you Fitness Blender for the giveaway! Working out has gotten even sweeter
My gym now after winning the in the giveaway
I guess I wanted to show off a little what my gym looks like now :) my boyfriend and I had a set of Powerblock dumbbells already, but we didn't have a home for them that wasn't the ground or a table (which was getting warped because of the weight). So we got the stands from Powerblock with the gift certificate!!
I'm very happy with how our little area is now, and turns out they shipped from Owatana MN, so it's even a local state business we got to support!!
Thank you so much again for the support and thank you Fitness Blender for the giveaway! Working out has gotten even sweeter