I’m on day 17 of FBXT3 and I am honestly loving it. It’s a 3-day per week program. I’ve tried two 5-day per week programs from FB in the past, one of the 4-week Busy People programs, and Sweat. Unfortunately I had trouble sticking with either of them. I think a big part of it is that having fewer days of FB allows me to branch out and play with fitness on other days during the week, instead of feeling like I need to scramble to fit in a video so often. Having only 3 FB days on the calendar has made me feel more active than usual because I’m excited to do other stuff on top of simply FB! It’s also made FB videos feel more like a fun thing to do during the week rather than a chore What do you guys think? Has anyone else had similar burnout with 5-day programs? Have you tried 3 instead? XT3 is categorized as a maintenance program, but has anyone had noticeable results from it?
Thoughts on 3-day vs. 5-day FB programs
Hi all!
I’m on day 17 of FBXT3 and I am honestly loving it. It’s a 3-day per week program. I’ve tried two 5-day per week programs from FB in the past, one of the 4-week Busy People programs, and Sweat. Unfortunately I had trouble sticking with either of them. I think a big part of it is that having fewer days of FB allows me to branch out and play with fitness on other days during the week, instead of feeling like I need to scramble to fit in a video so often. Having only 3 FB days on the calendar has made me feel more active than usual because I’m excited to do other stuff on top of simply FB! It’s also made FB videos feel more like a fun thing to do during the week rather than a chore What do you guys think? Has anyone else had similar burnout with 5-day programs? Have you tried 3 instead? XT3 is categorized as a maintenance program, but has anyone had noticeable results from it?
Have a great rest of your week fam!