I have been working out with Fitness Blender for about 2 months now and wanted to share both my experience and ask some questions.
I came to Fitness Blender at 44.5 years old, someone who is healthy, but not fit.. I walked an hour every day (with big hills), did yoga and chi kung, but had never worked with HIIT and weights (I did used to run, but kept getting injuries so stopped). My body weight was healthy, 5'5" and 130 or so... up about 7 lbs in the past few years from 123. I realized with my age, and also with the desire to not limit be super restrictive with food that I needed to change my exercise routine. I am vegetarian and eat very healthy (whole foods, cook them all myself, yet for years I restricted my diet for fear of gaining weight (didn't count calories, but ate smaller portions and would restrict lots of carbs and extra fatty food (I did eat carbs, but 1/4 cup of cooked rice at a time- etc)... The past few years I have noticed I am done with restricting and want to enjoy my food, eating healthy, but without the limitation of my mind of what is "good and bad". So I enjoy pasta once a week, or a meal out, even a glass of wine and some ice cream (not daily.. maybe once a week in the summer). I don't over eat, but instead of restrict, my word is nourish... And everytime I think about counting my calories, or doing a gentle cleanse, my intuitive body really resists...
So onto working out. I found FB, and started with the 5 day challenges, I really enjoyed them- and was very sore the first week LOL. I took rest days, but continued on. I love that I can workout in less than an hour, get a good sweat (most days) and get stronger. I signed up for Blend and am almost done with the full month. I have had to take a few days off because of a pinched nerve in my neck... and noticing I miss it (I have walked these days). Today did start back up and it felt great.. 2 days to go :) I almost noticed being stronger after the days off.
I have definitely noticed strength improving, both in the size of the weighs I lift, and also in the HIIT- being able to jump back (sometimes for burpees), do much deeper lungest, and my mountain climbers are like a different experience. My arms I believe are showing some definition... and I feel like my butt has gotten a lot bigger.. I haven't changed my diet at all... I don't think I am eating more.. but definitely not eating less either.. Probably 1500- 2000 calories a day tops? I don't have a scale and did some measurements before Blend.. Will take them after.
My questions-
1. My clothes are tighter.. Is it possible to gain weight in the butt area causing pants to feel tight? I don't think my stomach is bigger (it hasn't gone down either lol), but my pants all feel tight. Is this normal for someone that maybe had smaller muscles? Or am I fooling myself?
Even my shirts feel a bit tighter- wondering if its the shoulders/back?
My stretch clothes still fit- and my waist does seem smaller, but I am high waisted so doesn't affect my pants.
2. Where to go from here? I love the curated workouts of the programs, then I don't have to think.. But sometimes I wonder if 5 days in a row is alot at once for me... I am not tired during the workouts- love them. but feel tired later in the day when I do them daily. Is this normal and will it change? Or is it something I should look at doing 3 days a week instead of 5, and mixing it up with my walks.
3. Programs- Depending on what I decide about how many days to work out- I am considering between Sweat and Burn for my next program. I have visitors for 2 weeks, so think Fit is too ambitious for me right now, and FB 30 feels short, although they were easy to get done... With what I am noticing with feeling bigger- do you think Sweat would be better? Or Burn? I do love the weights, but also really value the cardio- as much as I struggle with HIIT at times.
I think that is it... I know I am not ready/wanting to restrict food intake right now.. I have even thought about doing daily logs on my food charts- but just resisting it, so trusting I don't need to. I am really longing and opening to enjoy/love my body and to give it what it needs. I have always had a belly even at 120, and am done fighting. I eat healthy, and consicously and for the first time in my life am enjoying my food fully. Yet I wonder about those tight pants LOL.
So very interested to see what everyone has to share-
My Journey So Far- Sharing and Questions
Hi Everyone,
I have been working out with Fitness Blender for about 2 months now and wanted to share both my experience and ask some questions.
I came to Fitness Blender at 44.5 years old, someone who is healthy, but not fit.. I walked an hour every day (with big hills), did yoga and chi kung, but had never worked with HIIT and weights (I did used to run, but kept getting injuries so stopped). My body weight was healthy, 5'5" and 130 or so... up about 7 lbs in the past few years from 123. I realized with my age, and also with the desire to not limit be super restrictive with food that I needed to change my exercise routine. I am vegetarian and eat very healthy (whole foods, cook them all myself, yet for years I restricted my diet for fear of gaining weight (didn't count calories, but ate smaller portions and would restrict lots of carbs and extra fatty food (I did eat carbs, but 1/4 cup of cooked rice at a time- etc)... The past few years I have noticed I am done with restricting and want to enjoy my food, eating healthy, but without the limitation of my mind of what is "good and bad". So I enjoy pasta once a week, or a meal out, even a glass of wine and some ice cream (not daily.. maybe once a week in the summer). I don't over eat, but instead of restrict, my word is nourish... And everytime I think about counting my calories, or doing a gentle cleanse, my intuitive body really resists...
So onto working out. I found FB, and started with the 5 day challenges, I really enjoyed them- and was very sore the first week LOL. I took rest days, but continued on. I love that I can workout in less than an hour, get a good sweat (most days) and get stronger. I signed up for Blend and am almost done with the full month. I have had to take a few days off because of a pinched nerve in my neck... and noticing I miss it (I have walked these days). Today did start back up and it felt great.. 2 days to go :) I almost noticed being stronger after the days off.
I have definitely noticed strength improving, both in the size of the weighs I lift, and also in the HIIT- being able to jump back (sometimes for burpees), do much deeper lungest, and my mountain climbers are like a different experience. My arms I believe are showing some definition... and I feel like my butt has gotten a lot bigger.. I haven't changed my diet at all... I don't think I am eating more.. but definitely not eating less either.. Probably 1500- 2000 calories a day tops? I don't have a scale and did some measurements before Blend.. Will take them after.
My questions-
1. My clothes are tighter.. Is it possible to gain weight in the butt area causing pants to feel tight? I don't think my stomach is bigger (it hasn't gone down either lol), but my pants all feel tight. Is this normal for someone that maybe had smaller muscles? Or am I fooling myself?
Even my shirts feel a bit tighter- wondering if its the shoulders/back?
My stretch clothes still fit- and my waist does seem smaller, but I am high waisted so doesn't affect my pants.
2. Where to go from here? I love the curated workouts of the programs, then I don't have to think.. But sometimes I wonder if 5 days in a row is alot at once for me... I am not tired during the workouts- love them. but feel tired later in the day when I do them daily. Is this normal and will it change? Or is it something I should look at doing 3 days a week instead of 5, and mixing it up with my walks.
3. Programs- Depending on what I decide about how many days to work out- I am considering between Sweat and Burn for my next program. I have visitors for 2 weeks, so think Fit is too ambitious for me right now, and FB 30 feels short, although they were easy to get done... With what I am noticing with feeling bigger- do you think Sweat would be better? Or Burn? I do love the weights, but also really value the cardio- as much as I struggle with HIIT at times.
I think that is it... I know I am not ready/wanting to restrict food intake right now.. I have even thought about doing daily logs on my food charts- but just resisting it, so trusting I don't need to. I am really longing and opening to enjoy/love my body and to give it what it needs. I have always had a belly even at 120, and am done fighting. I eat healthy, and consicously and for the first time in my life am enjoying my food fully. Yet I wonder about those tight pants LOL.
So very interested to see what everyone has to share-
Thank you so much for your time and energy!