I am curious. Every month I try to change up my bosy focus. With this I will do three out of six videos will be focused on that particular part of the body. This month is upper body. So min/wed/Fri are upper body focused workouts. I mistakenly scheduled a kickboxing video yesterday and the new upper body video today. I was thinking cardio for yesterday but my armpits and shoulders are so sore. I still did upper body though.
My question. Should I be careful with this? I know I need to alternate body focus daily. Is kickboxing generally an upper body workout even though it says total body?
Making my schedule
I am curious. Every month I try to change up my bosy focus. With this I will do three out of six videos will be focused on that particular part of the body. This month is upper body. So min/wed/Fri are upper body focused workouts. I mistakenly scheduled a kickboxing video yesterday and the new upper body video today. I was thinking cardio for yesterday but my armpits and shoulders are so sore. I still did upper body though.
My question. Should I be careful with this? I know I need to alternate body focus daily. Is kickboxing generally an upper body workout even though it says total body?