... WITH THE DAMN FLOOD OF MIS-POSTED GIVEAWAY POSTS! Excuse my angry caps lock, but seriously, is it so hard to read one post from beginning to end? Over the past few weeks people seemed to have gotten the hang of the idea that you should reply under the FB post to enter, but today's total regress has been disheartening... :D Anyway, good luck with the giveaway dear Blenders!
And here I was, thinking there was progress...
... WITH THE DAMN FLOOD OF MIS-POSTED GIVEAWAY POSTS! Excuse my angry caps lock, but seriously, is it so hard to read one post from beginning to end? Over the past few weeks people seemed to have gotten the hang of the idea that you should reply under the FB post to enter, but today's total regress has been disheartening... :D Anyway, good luck with the giveaway dear Blenders!