So I did it I finally finished an 8 week program! I never do the PFT so I finished with this awesome total body sweatfest. It has taken me 10 weeks and 3 attemps to get past the 6 week mark but 3rd times a charm right???? I'll be sticking to 4 week programs for the foreseeable future but for now I'm very pleased to be able to say #programcomplete
So I did it I finally finished an 8 week program! I never do the PFT so I finished with this awesome total body sweatfest. It has taken me 10 weeks and 3 attemps to get past the 6 week mark but 3rd times a charm right???? I'll be sticking to 4 week programs for the foreseeable future but for now I'm very pleased to be able to say #programcomplete