Please, please, please can you add 'Previous day' and 'Next Day' buttons to the calendar function so that you can navigate forward and backward without coming out of the day view. Probably sounds lazy but it's an intuitive web thing that isn't there and the pop up boxes in the month view are quite big so you often have to wait/wiggle the mouse a little bit to select the day you want to see which slows you down even more. Also on the calendar, is it possible to tweak it so that the calendar back button
Still loving the new website but...
Please, please, please can you add 'Previous day' and 'Next Day' buttons to the calendar function so that you can navigate forward and backward without coming out of the day view. Probably sounds lazy but it's an intuitive web thing that isn't there and the pop up boxes in the month view are quite big so you often have to wait/wiggle the mouse a little bit to select the day you want to see which slows you down even more. Also on the calendar, is it possible to tweak it so that the calendar back button