A little update about me and of course Jennipurr! She is loving the warmer weather we've been having. Even though some days there have been extreme amount of rain. But she's been in and window and today watching birds on the TV. For me it's been a rough couple of weeks. I was in a car accident three weeks ago. Some young dude hit the passenger side of my car while he was on his phone and that door is toast, the front wheel is bent, and the alignment of the car is done. Sadly, the car can't be fixed as it would cost way to much. It's a 2012 Kia Soul and it belonged to my grandpa who passed away three years ago and he gave him his car. It's sad to see it go and the dude who hit my car has no issuance but we are going through the state to either get money from him or have his license taken away. Now that I have no car my parents have to buy out there cars, get a new one, my sister will get my mom's and I'll get hers. Her car is older than mine and has way more miles. It's very annoying but at least I'll have a car for my next two years of college. Also next week I start a program for my ED, its an out patient program and it three times a week for three hours. I doesn't sound that bad and I can work it around my internship and car issues.
Jennipurr and Me Update
Hey FB Family,
A little update about me and of course Jennipurr! She is loving the warmer weather we've been having. Even though some days there have been extreme amount of rain. But she's been in and window and today watching birds on the TV. For me it's been a rough couple of weeks. I was in a car accident three weeks ago. Some young dude hit the passenger side of my car while he was on his phone and that door is toast, the front wheel is bent, and the alignment of the car is done. Sadly, the car can't be fixed as it would cost way to much. It's a 2012 Kia Soul and it belonged to my grandpa who passed away three years ago and he gave him his car. It's sad to see it go and the dude who hit my car has no issuance but we are going through the state to either get money from him or have his license taken away. Now that I have no car my parents have to buy out there cars, get a new one, my sister will get my mom's and I'll get hers. Her car is older than mine and has way more miles. It's very annoying but at least I'll have a car for my next two years of college. Also next week I start a program for my ED, its an out patient program and it three times a week for three hours. I doesn't sound that bad and I can work it around my internship and car issues.