Hi everyone! I'm looking to start into Fitness Blender again this coming week, and in the past I just used regular dumbbells but I'm getting tired of pulling 4 sets out of my closet every day. I'm thinking to finally purchase a set of Powerblocks as I've wanted some for a long time and hey seem a lot easier to use and more compact.
A question: Has the Sport 24 fit most of your needs?
Or should I be looking at one of the higher end models that goes up to 32 or 50 lbs?
I realize this is a bit of a personal preference but I'm just trying to get a sense of whether the Sport 24s will fit my needs, or if I'd just end up having to re-buy the heavier / expandable versions in a year.
Any insight or advice from those who have used them would be great! From reading previous posts it seems like the Sport 24 do the trick for most of the workouts, except for once I might get into deadlifts and then I might want something heavier.