Finished FB Strong three days ago, so here comes a (long) review. Hope you may find it helpful, although it is of course highly subjective :-)
Program scope, structure & features
FB Strong is a 4 week program to train the entire body, with a clear focus on functional strength. It is mostly strength training, but HIIT and to a smaller degree Pilates are also included. Regular cardio is incorporated mostly in the form of warm-ups. You work out 5 days a week, with a recovery workout on the sixth day (e.g., stretching/yoga-inspired moves) and one day of complete rest. Workout duration varies from just below half an hour to about 45 min, most workouts lasting upon average ~ 35 min. Weeks 1, 2 and 4 are structured around the typical FB pattern with 2 upper-, 2 lower-body workouts on alternating days, with 1 core routine in the middle. Week 3 includes total body strength workouts and thereby additional recovery days. Although the main focus is strength training, traditional superset routines are rare. Especially for the lower body, the program contains mostly dynamic workouts. All but one are with Kelli, who generally keeps the pace fast and incorporates compound movements in each exercise, so you know what's coming, lol! One cardio warm-up is used twice, otherwise each day includes a different workout.
My experience
I completed the program in 5 weeks instead of 4, mainly because of traveling. A couple of times I added to the scheduled workout a burnout round (Pilates for legs and antagonistic, bodyweight upper-body moves). I used Powerblocks (Sport EXP that has two adder weights per ~ 1 kg for fine-adjustment) and a mat. For step exercises I used our sofa table.
Strong starts off on an explosive first week. I found all 5 workouts challenging, each in its own way. I felt also that the choice of workouts compensated totally for the lack of cardio/HIIT. I was surprised at times over the heart rate I had built up (I do not monitor, but it was obvious enough, lol). Although week 2 includes two HIIT workouts, I found it more merciful on my muscles (no T-Rex arms, no sore butt, like the week before). For me, week 3 was the least enjoyable one, as I don't really like the total body strength workouts, especially when combined with the bored easily format, but the core day was top! This was when I had to take a protracted break due to traveling, but in a way it worked out very well; I came back with perfectly healed muscles and renewed energy for week 4. This last week has quite a bit of variety, with HIIT and Pilates making an appearance, the excellent active/static abs workout, and the always motivational upper-body descending reps routine. I prefer HIIT to regular cardio and enjoy 1-2 sessions per week, so in this respect Strong was just right for me.
There were few routines I had never done before, mostly the total body ones, since I train upper/lower body and core separately. Most of the lower-body workouts were already in my favorites, but I was surprised to find that the absolute highlight for me were the core days! Strong includes what must be some of FB's most comprehensive core routines, each with a different character. Concerning upper body routines, I'm a big fan of traditional strength training (3 sets of each, slow and torturous), so that was a bit of a bummer and the only thing I would have had differently in the program apart from the addition of some kickboxing. On the other hand, it's good to mix things up occasionally and this is a great advantage with the programs: that you get to do things you wouldn't choose on your own.
Since I don't have substantial experience with FB programs (this is my second one after FB Flex), having in my calendar the recovery workout each sixth day felt like a prize for the previous 5 days' hard work. I would have scheduled something similar on own initiative, but as it is, it felt like a small reward :-)
Regarding my gains from this program, I neither do PFTs nor take measurements, but I'm now sporting a much more athletic physique than before (changes started becoming obvious during week 3), the biggest improvement probably to be found in my abs. The most important thing, however, is that I am stronger overall. For example, jobs/chores that require physical strength, especially compound motions (e.g., squating and pressing a heavy item above my head level to lift it over an obstacle, then lowering it in a controlled manner back down) have become much easier. Flights of stairs do not longer register, even when carrying significant load. I was quite surprised to see how much easier it is now to switch the body suddenly to higher intensity action (e.g., change from strolling pace to running to catch a bus or a green pedestrian light), as I generally associated this capacity more with HIIT. On the workout front, jump squats and their variations have become a piece of cake :-)
Required fitness level
It is true that one can adjust strength training to a beginner's level by lowering or dropping the weights lifted, but this is not a beginner-friendly program. A solid foundation is needed. Some of the routines are very fast-paced, so one needs to be aware of proper form and have some cardiovascular endurance. That said, my impression is that if you know the exercises with proper form and bodyweight, it should be no problem to give Strong a try, just start low and stay mindful. For the more dynamic routines, you will work your body out thoroughly, even without weights.
Overall verdict & outlook
This is a very carefully designed program. It doesn't leave any part of the body untrained and the strengthening of the core is the perfect foundation for improving overall performance while staying safe, both during workouts and in everyday life. Even when the program becomes challenging to the extreme, the succession of workouts is so well chosen that the muscles get enough rest to be able to deliver safely the next time they are being targeted. If you lift to challenge yourself, you will put enough load on the cardiovascular system to compensate for cardio/HIIT, especially on the dynamic, lower body days. You might end up missing traditional supersets a little, if you are at all like me, but it's just 4 weeks, you can get back to them after that. So, FB Strong is highly recommended, in particular to build overall functional strength!
I'm now looking forward to independent workouts for a while, and then I'll be either giving FB Mass a try or going back to Flex and combining it with one of the Booty rounds.
FB Strong Complete and Review
Hi everyone!
Finished FB Strong three days ago, so here comes a (long) review. Hope you may find it helpful, although it is of course highly subjective :-)
Program scope, structure & features
FB Strong is a 4 week program to train the entire body, with a clear focus on functional strength. It is mostly strength training, but HIIT and to a smaller degree Pilates are also included. Regular cardio is incorporated mostly in the form of warm-ups. You work out 5 days a week, with a recovery workout on the sixth day (e.g., stretching/yoga-inspired moves) and one day of complete rest. Workout duration varies from just below half an hour to about 45 min, most workouts lasting upon average ~ 35 min. Weeks 1, 2 and 4 are structured around the typical FB pattern with 2 upper-, 2 lower-body workouts on alternating days, with 1 core routine in the middle. Week 3 includes total body strength workouts and thereby additional recovery days. Although the main focus is strength training, traditional superset routines are rare. Especially for the lower body, the program contains mostly dynamic workouts. All but one are with Kelli, who generally keeps the pace fast and incorporates compound movements in each exercise, so you know what's coming, lol! One cardio warm-up is used twice, otherwise each day includes a different workout.
My experience
I completed the program in 5 weeks instead of 4, mainly because of traveling. A couple of times I added to the scheduled workout a burnout round (Pilates for legs and antagonistic, bodyweight upper-body moves). I used Powerblocks (Sport EXP that has two adder weights per ~ 1 kg for fine-adjustment) and a mat. For step exercises I used our sofa table.
Strong starts off on an explosive first week. I found all 5 workouts challenging, each in its own way. I felt also that the choice of workouts compensated totally for the lack of cardio/HIIT. I was surprised at times over the heart rate I had built up (I do not monitor, but it was obvious enough, lol). Although week 2 includes two HIIT workouts, I found it more merciful on my muscles (no T-Rex arms, no sore butt, like the week before). For me, week 3 was the least enjoyable one, as I don't really like the total body strength workouts, especially when combined with the bored easily format, but the core day was top! This was when I had to take a protracted break due to traveling, but in a way it worked out very well; I came back with perfectly healed muscles and renewed energy for week 4. This last week has quite a bit of variety, with HIIT and Pilates making an appearance, the excellent active/static abs workout, and the always motivational upper-body descending reps routine. I prefer HIIT to regular cardio and enjoy 1-2 sessions per week, so in this respect Strong was just right for me.
There were few routines I had never done before, mostly the total body ones, since I train upper/lower body and core separately. Most of the lower-body workouts were already in my favorites, but I was surprised to find that the absolute highlight for me were the core days! Strong includes what must be some of FB's most comprehensive core routines, each with a different character. Concerning upper body routines, I'm a big fan of traditional strength training (3 sets of each, slow and torturous), so that was a bit of a bummer and the only thing I would have had differently in the program apart from the addition of some kickboxing. On the other hand, it's good to mix things up occasionally and this is a great advantage with the programs: that you get to do things you wouldn't choose on your own.
Since I don't have substantial experience with FB programs (this is my second one after FB Flex), having in my calendar the recovery workout each sixth day felt like a prize for the previous 5 days' hard work. I would have scheduled something similar on own initiative, but as it is, it felt like a small reward :-)
Regarding my gains from this program, I neither do PFTs nor take measurements, but I'm now sporting a much more athletic physique than before (changes started becoming obvious during week 3), the biggest improvement probably to be found in my abs. The most important thing, however, is that I am stronger overall. For example, jobs/chores that require physical strength, especially compound motions (e.g., squating and pressing a heavy item above my head level to lift it over an obstacle, then lowering it in a controlled manner back down) have become much easier. Flights of stairs do not longer register, even when carrying significant load. I was quite surprised to see how much easier it is now to switch the body suddenly to higher intensity action (e.g., change from strolling pace to running to catch a bus or a green pedestrian light), as I generally associated this capacity more with HIIT. On the workout front, jump squats and their variations have become a piece of cake :-)
Required fitness level
It is true that one can adjust strength training to a beginner's level by lowering or dropping the weights lifted, but this is not a beginner-friendly program. A solid foundation is needed. Some of the routines are very fast-paced, so one needs to be aware of proper form and have some cardiovascular endurance. That said, my impression is that if you know the exercises with proper form and bodyweight, it should be no problem to give Strong a try, just start low and stay mindful. For the more dynamic routines, you will work your body out thoroughly, even without weights.
Overall verdict & outlook
This is a very carefully designed program. It doesn't leave any part of the body untrained and the strengthening of the core is the perfect foundation for improving overall performance while staying safe, both during workouts and in everyday life. Even when the program becomes challenging to the extreme, the succession of workouts is so well chosen that the muscles get enough rest to be able to deliver safely the next time they are being targeted. If you lift to challenge yourself, you will put enough load on the cardiovascular system to compensate for cardio/HIIT, especially on the dynamic, lower body days. You might end up missing traditional supersets a little, if you are at all like me, but it's just 4 weeks, you can get back to them after that. So, FB Strong is highly recommended, in particular to build overall functional strength!
I'm now looking forward to independent workouts for a while, and then I'll be either giving FB Mass a try or going back to Flex and combining it with one of the Booty rounds.