After finishing FB Strong two weeks ago, I’ve been taking it a bit slow in order to give my body some rest as I was having some knee pain (some of you might remember me complaining about not being able to do side lunges) and I just did Yoga and Pilates after I finished the program...
I’m happy I took the short break though because today after two weeks of a break I was able to jump straight into HIIT and I had so much energy and so much strength and I was able to do all the jump squats and all the lunges without any pain!!!! So I guess I really needed the break!
And who would have thought:
I did not lose all the progress I had made the past few months by giving my body a two week rest :P just goes to show that fitness and health truly isn’t as black and white as we all sometimes make it out to be!
For anyone who’s interested, I did both these workouts back to back and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be verrrrry sore tomorrow xD
Currently munching on a protein bar whilst reading literature for my Bachelor Thesis... how is everyone spending their Friday?
HIIT + Glute Isolate
Hey guys hey guys!
After finishing FB Strong two weeks ago, I’ve been taking it a bit slow in order to give my body some rest as I was having some knee pain (some of you might remember me complaining about not being able to do side lunges) and I just did Yoga and Pilates after I finished the program...
I’m happy I took the short break though because today after two weeks of a break I was able to jump straight into HIIT and I had so much energy and so much strength and I was able to do all the jump squats and all the lunges without any pain!!!! So I guess I really needed the break!
And who would have thought:
I did not lose all the progress I had made the past few months by giving my body a two week rest :P just goes to show that fitness and health truly isn’t as black and white as we all sometimes make it out to be!
For anyone who’s interested, I did both these workouts back to back and I’m pretty sure I’m going to be verrrrry sore tomorrow xD
Currently munching on a protein bar whilst reading literature for my Bachelor Thesis... how is everyone spending their Friday?
Oh, Happy Easter by the way!
Lots of Love
💙 Irem