Roamblender ended up in the sea.....well, up to our knees!

Slightly later start today for Roamblender as it is a public holiday here today. The weather was gorgeous, so I really felt like getting out there.

For one of the first exercises we went on the beach. I told my friends that it was a “concentration demanding” exercise... in fact I had to practise it yesterday in order to be able to show it! Dead bugs!!! Great for the abs, but you have to think really hard about what limbs to move and what limbs to hold still! I started off well, but at the end of the exercise I was almost tied up in a knot 😜! Another “concentration demanding” exercise was awkward aeroplane... basically a sideways bird dog! When I said that this was a good exercise for older people, because it practices balance, my 35- year-old friend replied: “well, as I am 35 going on 95 this morning, it suits me fine!”

Other exercises: kickouts, two way lunges with leg lift, pushups plus leg lifts, two footed jumps up steps.... all in all a nice total body workout!

Cooldown on the beach and before we knew it my husband had taken his shoes and socks off and was running into the sea! Well.... us girls were determined not to get left behind!!!!! So we ended up in the sea, but only up to our knees: water temperature is still only 10 degrees!

Sand all over ourselves but then: “live by the beach, have sand”... in my shoes, in my clothes, in my bed, well, basically everywhere 😂


