Alright, Fitness Blender family, I got super motivated after doing Daniel's new Upper Body Strength Superset Workout yesterday.
I mean, so motivated that I immediately took pictures of myself, decided I looked good (only kinda kidding), posted about my massive gains, and made #chefinthemaking (my wife) feel my arms and shoulders when she got home from work.
However, when the afterglow of my "success" died down a bit, I decided that I really needed to tackle a full Workout Program if I really wanted to get into shape. Full disclosure, I've started out three Workout Programs before, but I managed to get sidetracked every, single time...and not finish. Come on #AndrewComplete, get it together!
Anyway, this time I'm gonna finish...seriously. I'm gonna do it. And to aid in that goal, I'm going to post whenever I complete a day. And, if I'm supposed to complete a day and I don't post, I'm counting on my #FBFamily to call me out. Seriously. Call. Me. Out.
Like, "yo, #AndrewComplete, where's the workout post today, dude? You slackin'? You told us to call you out, so, I'm calling you out, brah."
Yeesh, I have no idea why I think that any of you would actually write to me like you're an American teenaged boy from the 1990s, but you got my point. Call. Me. Out.
Oh, and this should probably go without saying, but I'll say it anyway - this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my official capacity with Fitness Blender or my familial relationship with a certain husband-and-wife-and-dog-and-cat team whom we all know and love.
This is about #AndrewComplete getting into shape (or trying to). Full stop. I just happen to have access to a bunch of really great Workout Programs...and know about this amazing Community that's gonna help me through this.
Thanks (and sorry) in advance, #FBFamily!
Oh, and if you've made it this far and you're really, really bored...
#AndrewComplete is Motivated!
Alright, Fitness Blender family, I got super motivated after doing Daniel's new Upper Body Strength Superset Workout yesterday.
I mean, so motivated that I immediately took pictures of myself, decided I looked good (only kinda kidding), posted about my massive gains, and made #chefinthemaking (my wife) feel my arms and shoulders when she got home from work.
However, when the afterglow of my "success" died down a bit, I decided that I really needed to tackle a full Workout Program if I really wanted to get into shape. Full disclosure, I've started out three Workout Programs before, but I managed to get sidetracked every, single time...and not finish. Come on #AndrewComplete, get it together!
Anyway, this time I'm gonna finish...seriously. I'm gonna do it. And to aid in that goal, I'm going to post whenever I complete a day. And, if I'm supposed to complete a day and I don't post, I'm counting on my #FBFamily to call me out. Seriously. Call. Me. Out.
Like, "yo, #AndrewComplete, where's the workout post today, dude? You slackin'? You told us to call you out, so, I'm calling you out, brah."
Yeesh, I have no idea why I think that any of you would actually write to me like you're an American teenaged boy from the 1990s, but you got my point. Call. Me. Out.
Oh, and this should probably go without saying, but I'll say it anyway - this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my official capacity with Fitness Blender or my familial relationship with a certain husband-and-wife-and-dog-and-cat team whom we all know and love.
This is about #AndrewComplete getting into shape (or trying to). Full stop. I just happen to have access to a bunch of really great Workout Programs...and know about this amazing Community that's gonna help me through this.
Thanks (and sorry) in advance, #FBFamily!
Oh, and if you've made it this far and you're really, really bored...