Hello dear Blenders! I hope everyone is doing well :)
So I've had this idea floating about in my head for some time now and thought I'd share with you. I feel like there has been an upsurge in posts about overtraining, about pushing fitness goals, and really struggling to accept the 'sometimes less is more' rule, or feeling guilty about taking time off to heal up.
I think maybe part of this is due to a psychological trap we fall into: namely, we don't respect our need to rest and recover (in order to progress) because rest is perceived as NOT DOING ANYTHING, a negative thing - something that's not an activity in itself, but a void stretch of time between actual activities, something like a vacuum. Even on our fitness callendars, rest days visually appear as 'non-days' - empty squares without anything to show for themselves. It's just a gapping space between two big, juicy checkmarks...
So my idea is that maybe Kelli and Daniel could introduce checkmarks for rest days too? To change the concept of rest being something that happens when you're not doing anything productive, to something that you have to accomplish: get those #restdayscomplete :) They could be a different colour to differentiate from workout days (I've been visualising a warm yellow ;).
For me such a simple feature would provide a positive affirmation of rest days and their importance in a healthy, ballanced fitness lifestyle. This has turned into quite an essay, but it would be great to hear your opinion in the comments :)
All the best to you, and good luck - wheather you're working out or resting ;)
Future feature?
Hello dear Blenders! I hope everyone is doing well :)
So I've had this idea floating about in my head for some time now and thought I'd share with you. I feel like there has been an upsurge in posts about overtraining, about pushing fitness goals, and really struggling to accept the 'sometimes less is more' rule, or feeling guilty about taking time off to heal up.
I think maybe part of this is due to a psychological trap we fall into: namely, we don't respect our need to rest and recover (in order to progress) because rest is perceived as NOT DOING ANYTHING, a negative thing - something that's not an activity in itself, but a void stretch of time between actual activities, something like a vacuum. Even on our fitness callendars, rest days visually appear as 'non-days' - empty squares without anything to show for themselves. It's just a gapping space between two big, juicy checkmarks...
So my idea is that maybe Kelli and Daniel could introduce checkmarks for rest days too? To change the concept of rest being something that happens when you're not doing anything productive, to something that you have to accomplish: get those #restdayscomplete :) They could be a different colour to differentiate from workout days (I've been visualising a warm yellow ;).
For me such a simple feature would provide a positive affirmation of rest days and their importance in a healthy, ballanced fitness lifestyle. This has turned into quite an essay, but it would be great to hear your opinion in the comments :)
All the best to you, and good luck - wheather you're working out or resting ;)