Posted in: Workouts / Workout Programs

Just treated myself to an early birthday gift: FB Strong!

I've been wanting to try strong for a long time now, but I already have like 6 or 7 programs and I'm a poor grad student so I felt like I didn't really NEED it (unlike food and rent...). But I've been doing so good on my goals, tracking my calories, working out consistently and losing weight (yay) that I want to keep encouraging myself.

I really enjoy strength training, so I know I'll enjoy this program. It will definitely be nice to have some newer videos in the mix and expand my program rotation.

Just a thought: I bought FBAbs a while back and after looking through it I really don't think I'll ever use it. I am just not a big fan of only doing strength training two days a week. So- could there be a way that we could maybe either trade in a program for credit or heck, even donate it/give it away? I'm sure someone else out there would use it and maybe is like me and doesn't have a ton of money to pay for programs. Just a thought! Happy Friday Blenders!