I am a week out from removal of cartilage and a partial meniscectomy. Due to the amount and location of cartilage that was removed, my doctor has recommended that I avoid high impact exercises from now on. I have been an avid fitness blender fan for the past 4 years and workout 5-6 days per week, following various programs. My favorite workouts have been hiit and I'm feeling extremely discouraged to have to avoid these types of workouts from now on. I know there are a wide varitey of other types of workouts available that include low impact options, weights, biking, eliptical, etc. My hiit workouts were always the days that left me feeling the most accomplished. My doctor did note that I could continue the same plans I previously followed, but it will lead to an earlier onset of arthritis and other more serious issues with my knee. Any words of encouragement for this rather disappointing outcome from injury/genetic failure of my knee would be very appreciated.
Recent Knee Surgery and Future Prognosis
I am a week out from removal of cartilage and a partial meniscectomy. Due to the amount and location of cartilage that was removed, my doctor has recommended that I avoid high impact exercises from now on. I have been an avid fitness blender fan for the past 4 years and workout 5-6 days per week, following various programs. My favorite workouts have been hiit and I'm feeling extremely discouraged to have to avoid these types of workouts from now on. I know there are a wide varitey of other types of workouts available that include low impact options, weights, biking, eliptical, etc. My hiit workouts were always the days that left me feeling the most accomplished. My doctor did note that I could continue the same plans I previously followed, but it will lead to an earlier onset of arthritis and other more serious issues with my knee. Any words of encouragement for this rather disappointing outcome from injury/genetic failure of my knee would be very appreciated.