Yesterday marked one full week using Fitness Blender. I have followed them and used them in the past, but never like I should. I lost all motivation over the years from working a lot, and being a mom. Working out finally feels good again. My back feels better than it's felt in years, I have more energy, and i'm sleeping better than I've ever slept! I treated myself with a new yoga mat, that my dogs seem to think are their's 😆
One week with Fitness Blender!
Yesterday marked one full week using Fitness Blender. I have followed them and used them in the past, but never like I should. I lost all motivation over the years from working a lot, and being a mom. Working out finally feels good again. My back feels better than it's felt in years, I have more energy, and i'm sleeping better than I've ever slept! I treated myself with a new yoga mat, that my dogs seem to think are their's 😆