Posted in: Nutrition / Nutrition Talk

Canada's New Food Guide

Hello Everyone!

I've been following fitness blender for a few years now - falling in love with fitness, nutrition and most importantly myself through their body positive ideals and learning to listen, respect and care for my body and how I am fuelling it.

My husband and I recently started and are in the middle of their omnivore meal plan (which we are thoroughly enjoying) and by chance, Canada released its new food guide today. Personally, I'm very impressed. Not only have they touched on nutrition, but the website highlights the importance of enjoying food, mindful eating and being aware of food marketing - just to name a few things.

I found the guide to be very similar to Kelly and Daniel's nutrition guideline, as well as their meal plan.

It brought me to question what other Canadian's think, and also, what do people love or not love about their own country's food guides? How do they differ? Does it match your own goals? Do you find national food guidelines even affect your food choices?

Just friendly, respectful banter :)

Hope everyone is having a great day!
