Looking for HIIT without burpees or mountain climbers
I did find one called: No Burpees HIIT cardio and Abs but wondered if anyone knows of a HIIT routine that does not have any burpees or mountain climbers?I tried putting in HIIT, Level 3, but even those have burpees. I know I can modify, and I do that a lot but wondered if there is a straight HIIT, by itself that doesn't have burpees or mountain climbers. Thanks for any other suggestions!
Looking for HIIT without burpees or mountain climbers
I did find one called: No Burpees HIIT cardio and Abs but wondered if anyone knows of a HIIT routine that does not have any burpees or mountain climbers?I tried putting in HIIT, Level 3, but even those have burpees. I know I can modify, and I do that a lot but wondered if there is a straight HIIT, by itself that doesn't have burpees or mountain climbers. Thanks for any other suggestions!