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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Introducing FB Plus Passes: A New Way to Access FB Plus!

Introducing FB Plus Passes: A New Way to Access FB Plus!

Hi FB Family!

We have exciting news: FB Plus is ON SALE for 20% off now through March 21, 2022!

We also have a new way to use FB Plus. You can now get full access to FB Plus without a long-term subscription through our new membership option: FB Plus Passes

Passes range from 1-Day to 90-Day access; purchase a pass that fits your budget and your schedule, and extend your access with another pass at any time. 

Passes are a flexible, low-commitment way to test-drive all the amazing things FB Plus has to offer: 

Want the most cost-effective way to access FB Plus long-term? Our yearly subscription is still the cheapest way for you to enjoy FB Plus year-round. 

A lot of other fun changes came with this release, so check out Brandon’s Community Post for the full rundown on new site updates that dropped today — including a new FB Plus feature!

Thank you so much for working out with us! We hope you enjoy this new, more flexible way to access FB Plus. However you decide to work out with us, we’re so glad you’re here. 

– FB Team

**Sale ends March 21, 2022 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time**