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Weighted Core Strength Routine - Home Abs Mass Dumbbell Routine

37 Min • Core
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    We put out core routines relatively frequently, but most are shown as bodyweight-only workouts that focus on core conditioning/toning. So, for this routine I thought I would show a version that is designed to be done with weight, with the specific intent of increasing strength and mass of the core muscles. Now I know that the idea of increasing the size of your core may not be what everyone is going for, so if you are looking more for a toning routine, then all you need to do is just drop the weights and this mass routine becomes a toning routine.

    If you are going through this workout with the intent of building strength and/or mass, here are a few things to keep in mind. 

    First, as with any strength or mass workout, don’t lift so much that your form or range of motion starts to suffer. If you have ever done one of our strength routines of any kind before, you have probably already heard us say this time and time again; form and range of motion are vastly more important than the amount of weight you lift when it comes to injury-free, functional strength.

    Second, set the weight you use based on your rate of fatigue. Your goal should be to use a weight that is heavy enough that you can get almost all of your repetitions done with perfect form and full range of motion. Only the last 2 or 3 repetitions should be allowed to suffer as those muscles become too exhausted to keep clean from.

    Third, as your muscles give out on those last few repetitions, start to really focus on the “negative” movement. More formally known as an eccentric contraction, a negative is the point at which the load overcomes the force that the muscle can or is providing and the muscle starters to lengthen. For example, when doing a dumbbell curl, the eccentric phase is when the dumbbell is dropping back down from the shoulder, which elongates the bicep muscles. By focusing on this movement and trying to control the eccentric phase, you can get extra micro tears in your muscle fiber, causing a higher degree of progress to increasing strength and size in the muscle being worked. So, when you start getting tired, don’t just let that weight drop. Trying your best to fight against the weight dropping is the most important part of your entire strength routine.

    Lastly, be sure to adjust the weight you are using per set, as needed. Don’t get stuck in a mindset that what you start with you have to finish with. For some exercises, you may feel you can increase your weight and others you may need to decrease, and it may just be for a single set before you change again. Your body is a dynamic, ever-changing machine, so you need to be able to change and adapt to its needs on a daily, if not minute by-minute, basis.

    Give this routine a try and let us know what you think. Would you like to see more mass building core routines? Or do you have an idea for a completely new workout? Let us know in the comment section below.

    Workout Structure:
    - Core Focus
    - Two Groups of Exercises
    - Intervals of 45 Sec On; 15 Sec Off
    - 3 Sets Each Exercise

    - Dumbbells (optional)

    Warm Up / Cooldown:
    - Both Included

    Warm Up:
    - Side Step + Overhead Reach
    - Torso Circles
    - Toe Touch Sweeps
    - Lunge Rotation L
    - Mock Standing Side Crunch L
    - Mock Standing Side Crunch R
    - Bent Over Cat Cow
    - Torso Twist + Knee
    - Up and Out Jack

    Workout: 24 Min (Intervals 45 On; 15 Off)
    - Crunch
    - Back Bow

    - Windshield Wipers
    - Back Bow Crossover

    ---- Water Break ----

    - Side Crunch R
    - Diagonal Crunch R

    - Side Crunch L
    - Diagonal Crunch L

    - Torso Stretch L
    - Torso Stretch R
    - Lying Oblique Stretch R
    - Lying Oblique Stretch L
    - Cobra
    - Child’s Pose
    - Kneeling Shoulder Tuck L
    - Kneeling Shoulder Tuck R
    - Cat Cow
    - Full Body Stretch