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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

Sweaty Lower Body Strength Workout with Cardio Intervals

32 Min • Lower Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    This workout kicked my butt! By the time I was done I was literally dripping sweat, and I had some thoroughly sore muscles in the days that followed. This routine reminded me of some of my favorites that I have filmed over the years - namely this HIIT & Strength combo workout that I have done dozens of times for my own workout in the years since I filmed it. 

    With this new workout, I wanted to film a similar go-to option for the occasion where I’m limited on time, but really craving the opportunity to both lift heavily, and get a quick but thorough sweat going. If you want to huff and puff through a strength challenge and earn some sore muscles, you might like this workout. 

    Aside from the demanding cardio intervals scattered throughout - for example, you are going to have the lovely opportunity to choose to do 45 seconds of jump squats - the strength intervals are done in such quick succession that all of it ends up being a challenge on the cardiovascular system. 

    Tips as you make your way through this workout:

    • We’re only going through most of these intervals and exercises once (aside from the repeats in the burnout round). Assuming that you are familiar with the exercises and associated proper form, I encourage you to lift a weight that will have your muscles fatigued and your lungs working hard by the end of that 45 second interval. 
    • Push as hard as you can during the cardio intervals - whether you’re choosing low or high impact, try and bring intensity and intention to your movements. 
    • This is a fast-paced routine, so if you’re not familiar with these exercises (particularly the loaded movements), you may be better served by either choosing a slower paced workout, or giving yourself extra rest or set up time. Either way, just know that no matter the pace of the routine, you still need to make clean form priority one - for your own safety as well as to build a solid platform that you can continue to build on. 

    Workout Structure
    We start off with a brief warm up before moving into intervals of both strength training and cardio that targets the lower body. Dumbbells help step up the challenge on the muscles, but these exercises are also beneficial when done with only bodyweight. Warm up and cool down are both included.

    5 Minute warm up - 30 Seconds per Interval
    Jog in Place
    High Knee Pull
    Standing Jackknife
    Side Lunge
    Alternating Supine Lift
    Alternating Leg Raises
    Bird Dogs
    Jumping Jacks

    Strength Workout - 45 Seconds Active, 15 Seconds Rest
    Lateral Jumps 
    Weighted Squat
    Reverse Lunge
    Monster Walk with Dumbbell
    Single/Staggered Leg Deadlift
    Jump Squat Combo
    Side Lunges
    Side Step Squat - (Rise up on a single leg)
    Wide Deadlift
    Bridge or Thrust, with weights for extra challenge
    Kneeling Bent Leg Raise + Hip Abduction
    Other Side

    Surprise Burnout Round (to Exhaust)
    Jump Squats

    Cool Down & Stretch - 30 Seconds per Interval
    Toe Touch
    Quadriceps Stretch
    Hip Flexor Stretch
    IT Band Side Stretch
    Walkdown to Cat Cow
    Deep Glute Stretch
    Side Lying Torso Rotations
    Full Body Stretch

    What did you think of the surprise burnout round? I call it a surprise because I didn’t anticipate doing it as I designed the routine, but found myself craving just a little bit more at the end. I am getting stronger, and becoming able to do more, which is very exciting for me. When you do this workout, or any other workout for that matter, be grateful for everything that your body is capable of, and celebrate exactly where you’re at. Never take your mobility for granted!

    Thank you for working out with me! Let me know what you would like to see next.