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NEW 10-Day Challenge Trainer Series Out Now: Barre and Build with Erica

Seated Strength and Cardio Chair Workout for Quads, Hamstrings, and Core

17 Min • Lower Body • Empowering
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Strength Training
    • Equipment Other
    • Membership Free


    This workout brings a little something different than many of our other workouts. All exercises (but one) take place seated in a chair! That's right: we will work on lower body strength with a bit of cardio — all while sitting down. 

    **Workout Highlights**

    • 17 minutes, 2/5 difficulty
    • 40 seconds on // 10 seconds off
    • 18 exercises, no repeats
    • Modifications included — scroll down for more
    • No warm-up or cool-down, so plan accordingly 
    • Towel roll — I used a beach towel, but you can use a hand towel, bath towel, sweatshirt, etc.

    I created this routine to empower those who have difficulty performing standing exercises, want a lower level of activity, or need an active rest day. Each exercise is performed for 40 seconds and followed by a 10-second rest break. This is a quick standalone workout, so there is no warm-up or cool-down. Only one exercise requires you to stand (Sit-to-Stands), but it is only for a brief moment. That said, if you have difficulty with balance, I recommend doing this routine near a countertop so you have something sturdy to hold on to during the sit-to-stand exercise. 

    During this workout, I talk about your self-selected pace, particularly with the cardio-type exercises. That means you choose how fast or slow you move. If you have cuff weights, you could strap those onto your ankles for an added challenge. There might be a few exercises where you have difficulty lifting or straightening your leg. That could be for two reasons: weakness in your quad muscle (top of the thigh) or tightness in your hamstring muscle (back of your thigh). Either can get better over time with practice and determination. However, I want you to make sure not to compromise your form just to lift or straighten your leg a little higher. Only move your leg as high as you can keep your trunk still, spine straight, and chest up. Engaging your lower and upper abdominals to connect your ribs to your hips can help.

    The Workout

    40 seconds on // 10 seconds off

    • Marches
    • Knee Extensions - R
    • Knee Extensions - L
    • Step Out and Reach
    • Hamstring Curl - R
    • Hamstring Curl - L
    • Opposite Elbow to Opposite Knee
    • Chopping Up - R
    • Chopping Up - L
    • Marches with Arms
    • Hip Adduction
    • Sit-to-Stands
    • Quick Feet
    • Straight Leg Raise Flexion - R
    • Straight Leg Raise Flexion - L
    • Floor to Ceiling Punches
    • Hip Abduction - R
    • Hip Abduction - L

    I hope you enjoyed this routine! Thanks for working out with me.

    Happy Exercising!