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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Quiet Cardio Workout - Low Impact, Apartment Cardio Workout

22 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Balance/Agility, Cardiovascular, Low Impact
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    With this video we have put together a routine requested by our viewers to get a good cardio workout without making a lot of noise. Our usual workouts tend to use a lot of dynamic motions that incorporate jumps, hops, skips, and other floor pounding motions that tend to make a lot of noise.

    We consider this Apartment Cardio because you can do it without irritating the people that live below you; you can do it any time of the day and no one will hear any loud, impactful steps or jumps.

    That also makes this is a low impact cardio workout; one that you can use to effectively burn calories, get the heart rate up, and a respectable sweat in, all without jarring and jamming the joints. Whether you have joint issues or are looking for recovery day cardio, this is a great option - it also makes for a good extended warm up before jumping into more intense HIIT routines or strength training videos.

    We estimate that this Quiet Cardio Workout video burns 6-9 calories per minute, with an individual’s exact expenditure depending on bodyweight, muscle mass, and effort put forth (to name just a few of the variables).

    Put on some music (quiet music, remember those neighbors) and enjoy this routine that burns calories, tones the body, and build agility and balance.

    Workout Structure

    10 Quiet Cardio Exercises
    50 Second intervals each
    2 Rounds
    22 Minutes Total

    Low Impact Exercises

    4 Torso Twists + 2 Kicks – Go into a very shallow squat and do 4 twists at the torso, then raise your arms over your head and “pull” downward while doing a front kick with each leg.

    X Squats – Reach up over your head & to one side with both hands. Immediately drop down into a squat, reaching with both hands for the toes of the opposite side. Your feet will not be moving in the slightest, but your heart rate will nonetheless be up by the end of this interval by the end. That’s small apartment cardio at it’s best.

    Deadlift Jacks – Great for total body toning, awesome for balance; do a single leg deadlift, come directly back up and lift the same leg that was lifted during the deadlift out laterally (to the side), with arms mimicking a jumping jack ROM, before switching supporting legs and repeating the entire motion over again.

    Up & Over Steps + Knees – Step laterally (with balance & agility – keep it light!), arms up & over head during the side stepping motion, once there, bring a knee up to your elbow; repeat.

    Slow Squats + Hooks – Looks weird, works well. Slowly lower yourself into a squat with roughly this timing; 4 hooks down, 4 hooks back up.

    Quiet Burpees – Just like a traditional Burpee, but done just one step at a time. Step down into a plank one foot at a time, then back up one foot at a time, and extend arms overhead to complete one rep.

    Arm & Leg Balance Swings – Reach forward with one arm; extend and lift the opposite leg out behind the body. Then swing same leg forward, while stretching same arm out behind body. Use controlled motions and try not to lose your balance. Switch sides at the halfway point of the interval.

    3 Twists + Knee Ups – Again, quiet cardio without hardly a step. Twist three times at the torso, then on that third twist bring the opposite knee high to meet with that elbow.

    Plank Tuck + Extensions – Go into a plank position and bring one knee up towards your hands, then directly back out and into a reverse leg lift. Alternate back and forth between legs. If this one hurts your wrists, try holding onto dumbbells to redistribute the pressure in a more ideal way.

    Low Lateral Steps – Slowly step back and forth from side to side in as low of a squat as you can handle, tapping that trailing leg behind your body.