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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Quick Bored Easily Bodyweight HIIT with Athletic Drills

23 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Plyometric
    • Equipment Mat
    • Membership Free


    Whether you’re training for sport, moving to improve your health, and/or exercising for the sheer enjoyment of being physically active, you are an athlete. Bottom line: If you have a body and you move it, you are an athlete. In this bodyweight-only workout, you have the opportunity to challenge your sports drills skills within a bored easily high intensity interval training format. The exercises are infused with sports practice-inspired movement patterns that will challenge your coordination and agility both physically and mentally. 

    As is characteristic of a bored easily workout, you will only complete each move once before moving on to the next one; however, there is a unique focus for each pair of exercises listed below. You will complete 30 seconds of a combination cardio exercise at a moderate tempo followed immediately by 15 seconds of a high intensity (full throttle) move that is the most straightforward element of the preceding exercise. For example, circuit #2 begins with a triple skater + single-leg hop combo for 30 seconds (moderate, submaximal tempo) and rolls directly into 15 seconds of skaters (the quickest tempo you can put forth, maximum effort). These maximum effort exercises are listed below in parenthesis next to each combination move below in the workout breakdown. You will then have 30 seconds of recovery before moving on to the next pairing. The workout concludes with a one-minute finisher comprised of four exercises that you will complete at maximum effort for 15 seconds a piece (no rest between moves).   

    The benefits of high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are numerous, including:

    • Efficiency. The intense effort that you put forth during short duration workouts can elicit similar improvements as longer duration steady-state workouts (caloric expenditure, strength gains, cardiovascular endurance and health, etc.).   
    • Improvements in oxygen consumption and energy utilization
    • A mental and physical challenge that builds fortitude for future workouts 
    • The potential to burn more fat 
    • You’ll feel like you can save the world afterwards 

    Due to their demanding nature, HIIT workouts should not make up the majority of your weekly workout regimen. A 20 to 30-minute HIIT session once or twice a week is more than enough to experience the above listed benefits and save your body (and mind) from burnout. After all, your goal is to max out your efforts during the HIIT segments of your workouts. We cannot maintain such an intense effort without appropriate recovery! 

    Try not to get hung up on the multicomponent nature of some the exercises in this workout. Do what you can and work within your current capabilities. As with any other HIIT workout, slow it down before you speed it up. Familiarize yourself with the movement patterns and find stability before increasing your tempo or taking on advanced progressions (regardless of the directives I provide in the video or in the write-up below). That being said, this is high level workout so I mostly demo the most advanced versions of each exercise in the video. Although I do mention movement alternatives, here are a few modification tips to prepare you for the workout before you press play: 

    • Remove the jumping or hopping element from any exercise
    • Reduce the range of motion on any exercise 
    • Decrease the tempo 
    • Burpees — perform on a stable, elevated surface and/or remove the push-up (“chest to deck”) element 
    • Plank position exercises (such as up-downs and mountain climbers) — perform on a stable, elevated surface or drop to knees where applicable

    All in all, just have fun! 

    Warm Up: 30 sec per exercise, no rest between exercises (4:00) 
    -Squat + Calf Raise 
    -Butt Kickers 
    -Jumping Jacks 
    -Reverse Lunges + Torso Rotations 
    -Lateral Hops 
    -High Knees (mid-tempo) 
    -Push-up + Down-Dog 
    -Slow Squat Thrusts 

    Format for Circuits: 30 sec on (moderate, submaximal tempo) followed by 15 sec on (quick tempo, highest effort) of the exercise in parenthesis; rest 30 sec between pairs  

    -Squat Jump with Pop-Up Forward Hop / (Squat Jumps with Reaches)
    -Heisman Shuffle / (High Knees) 
    -Squat Thrust + Shoulder Taps / (Squat Thrusts)
    -Up-Downs with Plank Jacks / (Plank Jacks)

    ***Water Break #1***

    CIRCUIT 2 
    -Triple Skaters + Single-Leg Hop / (Skaters) 
    -Ladder Shuffle-Forward and Back / (Fast Feet) 
    -Forward Bound + Burpee (shuffle back) / (Burpees) 
    -4 Mountain Climbers + 1 Push-up / (Mountain Climbers) 

    ***Water Break #2***

    Finisher: 1:00; 15 sec each, no rest between exercises 
    -Switch Jumps 
    -Lateral Shuffles + Touchdowns 
    -Jump Rope Kickouts 
    -Squat Jack Touchdowns 

    Cool Down: approx. 30 sec per stretch (approx. 4:00) 
    -Quads/Hip Flexors Stretch - R 
    -Hamstrings/Hip Hinge Stretch - R 
    -Quads/Hip Flexors Stretch - L 
    -Hamstrings/Hip Hinge Stretch - L
    -Alternating Lateral Lunge Hold 
    -OH Triceps Extension Stretch - R 
    -OH Triceps Extension Stretch - L 
    -Chest Opener + Tree Hug (alternating)