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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

No Equipment Cardio Intervals and Upper Body Toning Workout

10 Min • Upper Body, Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Don't have a lot of time for a strength workout and cardio routine? No Problem, Kelli has put together a great upper body bodyweight strength training program and a fun cardio routine in one quick package.

    By incorporating the cardio and strength together it allows you to use different muscle groups to keep a faster pace between sets so that while your upper body rests from your strength component your lower body can be utilized to challenge your cardiovascular endurance.

    By alternating the strength and cardio component like in this program, not only can you move more quickly but it also allows you to burn more calories per minute than doing either of these routines separately. For example if you did the strength routine by itself then you would end up having to take more breaks to rest for the next set lowering your overall calorie burn per minute. On the other hand if you did a pure cardiovascular component by itself you could potentially burn more calories per minute but you would end up having to lower your overall intensity to maintain the same pace that this workout allows.

    The number of calories burned with this workout can vary widely, depending on how hard you push yourself during the cardiovascular portion as well as the version of the strength exercises that you choose to do. However on average this routine will burn 6-10 calories per minute throughout this 10 minute workout giving you a total burn of 60-100 calories.

    We suggest using this program (or a combo of our other upper body routines) two to three times a week in conjunction with a lower body exercise program to keep your musculature even from top to bottom as you never want to focus solely on just one area. Also incorporating another day or two of cardiovascular training as well as core training would be best to round out your entire system. You can't fully use the power you develop in your upper or lower body without having a toned capable core, and size and power is nothing if you don't train your cardiovascular and pulmonary systems to withstand intense physical activity.

    This workout is done in groups of two exercises at a time, one strength/toning exercise followed by a cardio exercise. Each group of two exercises is done twice before moving on to the next group of exercises. Each group is done with no rest break in between rounds, but there is a rest break in between groups.

    10 Repetitions - Leg Lift Push Ups
    20 Seconds - Ski Squat Hops

    10 Repetitions - Tricep Dips
    20 Seconds - Downward Dog Jacks

    10 Repetitions - Side Push Ups
    20 Seconds - High Knees

    10 Repetitions - Plank + Rows
    20 Seconds - V Hops

    10 Repetitions - Pike Push Ups
    20 Seconds - Squat + Front Kick Toe Touches