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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

No Cardio Upper Body Strength Supersets Within Circuits

28 Min • Upper Body • Spicy
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Strength Training
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Mat
    • Membership Free


    The main circuits of this workout are formatted as if there are two, 2-exercise supersets within a 4-exercise complex. Sound a bit confusing? I’ll explain the “fun” a bit further. There are three main upper body circuits comprised of four exercises each, with the first and last two exercises representing their own pairs of moves. Additionally, the exercises of each circuit are specifically grouped together so that you can use the same selection of weights all the way through, as you would hold onto the same set of weights during a complex (a multi-exercise circuit with minimal rest between moves). Retaining the same set of weights during the circuit is of course optional but strongly recommended due to the very short recovery/transition time between exercises (I don’t do this in the video but it was a nice thought).

    The pseudo-superset format allows you to efficiently burn out target muscle groups with a brief respite from working these muscles as you toggle between the pairs of exercises. The two, 2-exercise burnout intermissions between circuits are themselves also like supersets, focusing on muscle groups that have either just been worked or are about to be worked. Although the work/rest intervals are the same as a Tabata in the main circuits, the intent of the workout is different than the typical all-out maximal, nearly anaerobic effort of a HIIT workout. You’re aiming to fill each 20-second interval (in the circuits as well as the intermissions) with movement that elicits muscle fatigue, not testing your cardiovascular limits.  

    Preview the exercises listed below to determine your range of weight selections so that you can have your choices readily accessible before pressing play. I include a general suggestion of “light” or “medium” weights in parenthesis next to the start of each circuit below but note that for myself I have selected two weights for each category to have a range of options depending on the circuit/exercises. Your varying strength across exercises, the sequencing/format of the workout itself, and whatever residual fatigue you bring to the workout from previous training sessions will all affect your weight choices.

    Last element to note: We hold onto weights for most of the workout with a quick grip break during the second intermission for a couple festive push-up variations. For this reason, although this is a relatively short routine, feel free to shake out your wrists at any point of the workout beyond the quick, 10-second transitions and breaks between circuits.  

    Have fun and celebrate this under 30-minute, upper body strength routine with a post-workout flex!  

    Warm-Up: 30 sec per exercise, no rest between exercises (4:00)
    -Squat with Arm Circles (both directions)
    -Hinge + Y-Raise
    -Inchworm + Renegade Rows
    -Knees-Down Push-Ups
    -Squat-to-Plank Step Back
    -Reverse Lunges with Torso Rotations (hands behind head)
    -Stepping Running Man (no hop)
    -Lateral Tap Alligator Jacks (no hop)

    ***30 sec off***

    My Weights (not a recommendation, just a reference):
    -Light: 8 lbs. (3.6 kg) / 12 lbs. (5.4 kg)
    -Medium: 15 lbs. (6.8 kg) / 20 lbs. (9.1 kg)

    Circuit Format: 20 sec on / 10 sec off / 2 rounds (~4:00 each = 12:00)
    Intermission Format: 20 sec on – no rest / 2 rounds (~1:30 each = 3:00)

    Circuit #1: (Suggestion: Medium Weights)
    -Alt. Military Presses
    -Rainbow: Arnold-to-Military Press (mid-range)
    -High Wide Row (in hinge) + Upright Row
    -Gorilla Rows

    ***30 sec off***

    Intermission #1: Biceps Burner (Suggestion: Light Weights)
    -Biceps Curl + External Rotation (rotate in flexion)
    -Toggled Alt. Hammer Curls

    ***Water Break #1***

    Circuit #2: (Suggestion: Light Weights)
    -Rainbow: Lateral Raise (palms forward)
    -Hinge: Weighted Y-Raise
    -Alt. Forward Raise/High Pull
    -Forward Hold: 4 Criss-Crosses (neutral grip)

    ***30 sec off***

    Intermission #2: Triceps/Push-Ups Burner (Bodyweight)
    -Pike Push-Up
    -Triceps Push-Up w/ Up-Downs

    ***Water Break #2***

    Circuit #3: (Suggestion: Medium or Light Weights)
    -Alt. Chest Presses
    -Narrow Grip Chest Press – weights touching
    -Kneeling: Alt. Reverse Flies
    -Bear Hold: Renegade Rows

    Cool-Down: approx. 30 sec per stretch (approx. 4:00)
    -Child’s Pose + Reach Thru – R
    -Child’s Pose + Reach Thru – L  
    -Down-Dog + Rollup to Standing + Shoulder Rolls
    -Crossbody Shoulder Stretch – R
    -OH Triceps Extension Stretch + Lat Side Bend - R
    -Crossbody Shoulder Stretch – L
    -OH Triceps Extension Stretch + Lat Side Bend – L
    -Chest Opener with Wrist Rotations + Tree Hug