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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Mom and Baby Workout - AKA The Difficulties of Working Out With a Baby

7 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    For this Mom and Baby Workout we have two very special guests; my beautiful sister Krista and my sweet little niece Kennedy.

    Kennedy is 16 months old and might be the cutest little lady on this planet (though as her Aunt, I admit that I might be slightly biased). My sister and I had planned on filming this workout for a long time now (roughly 16 months...). Unfortunately, we live 6 hours away from each other, so it was really hard to find a time when we were together, near our filming studio & camera equipment, and feeling like doing a workout. We finally got a chance just recently, but on this particular day, my sweet, happy, bubbly, endlessly babbling little niece was particularly fussy - Go figure, right? Plus, she's walking now, and very much into the stage where she wants to do things herself, her way.

    This Baby Workout would be much easier with a baby that's either younger than Kennedy, and not yet able to wriggle away and run all over the house while you're trying to use them as squat weight, or, old enough that you can have them mimic the moves you're doing, turning it into a game. Either way, we figured anyone with a little one at home would be able to relate to the challenges we ran into while filming this video.

    Workout Structure
    5 Different Exercises
    10 Reps of Each

    With all of these exercises, it's important to make sure that Baby is secure. Make sure that they feel safe and that they are well supported at all times - particularly if your baby is very young - you're going to need to use caution and special care to protect their neck. Make sure that you protect your own back by minding your form.

    Keep in mind that if you can't squat or lift extra weight - you shouldn't be doing so with your baby. Take note of how much they weigh, and realize that you're going to be doing these mom and baby exercises with that amount of extra resistance, and it's going to be wiggling! Just keep both of your safety a priority if you're going to try a Mom and Baby Workout - also keep in mind that if you're trying to build strength and endurance back up, we have literally hundreds and hundreds of free full length workout videos, for every fitness level and of every training type.

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