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Kelli's Upper Body Workout for People Who Get Bored Easily - Arms, Shoulders, Upper Back

40 Min • Upper Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    Daniel chose the title of this workout for me thinking he was being funny, but if I'm being honest, I really do have a painfully short attention span. 

    Sometimes I have a hard time focusing long enough to do three (or more) sets of an exercise, so I often end up writing routines that mix up different exercises in sets that all target the same muscle groups, in a slightly different way. This way your brain stays in the game and your muscles are still put through comprehensive, well rounded workout. 

    The end result is a muscle scorching workout that hits your upper body from every angle, all without a single repeat exercise. Grab your weights, and get ready to earn some seriously sore upper body muscles.

    Workout Structure

    • Upper body strength training; 3 sets of 5 different exercises, 10 reps each
    • Both warm up and cool down provided
    • You will need: dumbbells, which can be improvised by anything that provides extra resistance (Resistance bands, bags filled with books, soup cans, gallon jugs filled with sand or water - I’ve even heard from a few of you that you use wine bottles - I like your style; just wait until after you’ve seen the Workout Complete screen before you start sipping ;) )
    • A bench or physioball can make a few of the exercises (chest press, chest fly) easier, but you can always improvise on the floor like I’ve shown in the video.

    If you like this workout format, be sure to check out these similar workouts! 

    Warm Up
    Look L&R + Forward Roll
    Shoulder Rolls (forward and back)
    Overhead Windmill + Butt Kick
    3 Torso Twists + Chest Opener
    Curls + Overhead Press
    Forward Reach + Chest Stretch
    Side to Side Reach
    Front Raises + Lat Pulldown
    Arm Cross Swing + Double Pulse Row
    Boxer Shuffle

    Printable At Home Upper Body Workout

    Chest Fly (Kelli is using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Bent Over Fly (Kelli is using 4 lbs or 1.8 kg per hand)
    Ventral Raise (Kelli is using 8 lbs or 3.6 kg per hand)
    Dumbbell Pullover Palms In (Kelli is using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg total)
    Kneeling Tricep Kick Back (Kelli is using 12 lbs or 5.4 kg total)
    Hammer Curl (Kelli is using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)

    Chest Press (Kelli is using 20 lbs or 9.1 kg per hand)
    Dumbbell Wide Row L&R (Kelli is using 4 lbs or 1.8 kg per hand)
    Shoulder Press  (Kelli is using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Dumbbell Pullover Palms Up (Kelli is using 12 lbs or 5.4 kg total)
    Overhead Tricep Extension L&R (Kelli is using 8 lbs or 3.6 kg per hand)
    Bicep Curl (Kelli is using 12 lbs or 5.4 kg total)

    Close Chest Press (Kelli is using 16 lbs or 7.3 kg per hand)
    Dumbbell Close Row L&R (Kelli is using 12 lbs or 5.4 kg total)
    Lateral Raise Palm Down Overhead Tricep Extension L&R (Kelli is using 8 lbs or 3.6 kg per hand)
    Side Pullover L&R (Kelli is using 8 lbs or 3.6 kg per hand)
    Tricep Dip
    Overhand Curl (Kelli is using 4 lbs or 1.8 kg per hand)

    Cooldown & Stretch

    What did you guys think of this workout format? Did it leave you with shaky muscles? If you like it, let me know and I will write a similar one for the lower body!