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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

Insane HIIT Challenge - Bodyweight Only High Intensity Interval Training Workout

35 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    When I set out to get in a good workout, I want to know that I did something when I am done—and this workout video definitely gave me that feeling. The slight wobbly, shaky feeling combined with the perfect amount of soreness the next day (or two) were both there to let me know that I had pushed myself.  With that, I also know that I had trouble keeping my form and endurance up throughout the routine, which serves as motivation to do better next time.

    All of these factors are what tell me that I have put a challenging workout together and now it is your turn to feel the satisfaction of pushing your limits and reaping the rewards of increased endurance, strength, cardiovascular efficiency, and a good healthy dose of mood-boosting, stress-reducing endorphins that exercise can give.

    This routine has been set as a Level 5 for very good reason. The nature of the dynamic exercises in this routine challenge (almost literally) every muscle in your body, from those in your feet and ankle complex, all the way up to your neck (and even some involuntary contortions of the face). When you take into account the amount of coordination and muscle recruitment needed to do each of these exercises, it is easy to see why this gets a level 5 (and, if not, just a do a few rounds and you will understand!).

    When doing a routine this intense, keep in mind that you may need to limit your effort to keep from burning out too early. If this is your first time through, take your time to learn and master the form of each movement rather than pushing yourself to exhaustion. You can always push harder next time, and taking your time to increase intensity can also save you from potential injury.

    The following is a summary of the workout, including both the order of exercises and the structure of the intervals used. Feel free to modify any of the exercises to fit your particular needs.

    Insane HIIT Challenge

    Workout Structure:
    - 7 Groups of 2 Exercises
    - 3 Sets per Exercise
    - Tabata Style; 20 Sec Active, 10 Sec Rest
    - AB, AB, Format
    - No Extra Rest Between Groups

    - None

    Warm Up / Cool Down
    - Both Included

    Warm Up:
    30 Seconds Each

    - Boxer Shuffle                              - Warrior with Stretch (Left)
    - Deep Squat                                - Warrior with Stretch (Right)
    - Rotational Knee Up                    - Knee Up Mt. Climbers
    - Standing Toe Touch (Kick)          - Up & Outs
    - Push Pull Side Lunge                 - Jumping Jack

    20 Seconds Active, 10 Seconds Rest; 3 Sets each

    - High Knees
    - Jackknife Get Ups

    - Star Jumps
    - Side Plank Kicks (Left)

    - Thigh Slap Jumps
    - Side Plank Kicks (Right)

    ----- Water Break -----

    - Burpees
    - Kick Throughs

    - Jump Squats
    - Mt. Climbers

    - Jumping Lunges
    - Walk Down Push Ups

    - Lizard Hops
    - Hop Squats

    Cool Down:
    30 Seconds Each

    - Boxer Shuffle                - Inside Thigh L
    - Leg Swing L                  - Inside Thigh R
    - Leg Swing R                 - Butterfly Stretch
    - Toe Touch                     - Deep Glute Stretch
    - Quad Stretch L              - Cobra
    - Quad Stretch R

    Notice anything different about this video? Tell us what you think.