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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Get Moving! Easy Calorie Burning Cardio Warm Up Workout

5 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Warm Up/Cool Down
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Fast, easy, and fun, this cardio warm up will help you burn off a few extra calories and thoroughly prepare you for whatever workout that you might have in store for the day.

    Light cardio warm up exercises like these are a great way to help avoid preventable injuries during your regular workout. They also allow you to push yourself harder safely during your actual routine. That means that a warm up is not only safe and smart, but can actually help you get more out of your "real" workout. That means that if you're doing a HIIT workout, you can push yourself further, and burn more calories. If you're doing strength training, that might mean that you're able to hit a new maximum in your lifting, and it might allow you to eventually build additional muscle, size or strength. Either way, a good warm up is absolutely an important part of your workout that should not be underestimated.

    Another great way to use this short cardio workout would be doing it periodically during the long work day, especially if you have a desk job. Taking just five minutes to get up and move around can help alleviate everything from a headache to a backache, and it helps redirect your focus and keep up healthy circulation. When you find yourself staring at the computer screen with no breaks for more than 60-90 minutes, try standing up and doing some of the exercises in this video in order to give your brain, eyes, and body a break.

    Workout Structure

    • 25 Seconds per Interval
    • Under 5 Minutes Total
    • No Equipment

    Printable Workout

    Boxer Shuffle
    2 Twists + Knee
    Butt Kickers
    Squat + Stretch
    Fly Jacks
    Toe Touch & Reach
    Toe Touch Kicks
    Walkdown + Cobra
    Jumping Jacks
    Lunge + Reach

    What next?
    Pick a Fitness Blender workout video that you will love! This warm up prepares you for anything - from high intensity interval training to yoga, Pilates to strength training.