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NEW 10-Day Challenge Trainer Series Out Now: Barre and Build with Erica

Fun and Brutal HIIT & Total Body Strength Workout with Cardio Burnout (Bored Easily)

37 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    I just finished filming this workout and wow it kicked my butt! I will definitely add this workout to my favorites for days when I want a total body strength and HIIT cardio sweatfest in under 40 minutes. It really challenged me and I loved it.

    This is one of our signature "workouts for people who get bored easily," meaning that there is not a single repeat exercise in this entire workout. It makes for a unique challenge, but it also makes the workout go by really fast; it's almost impossible to get bored with this format. Whenever you're struggling or if you catch your intensity dropping, remind yourself that you only have to do each of these moves once. Just one time through! So, don't be stingy with your energy or endurance; put everything you've got into each interval and leave it all out there. You will likely feel less stressed and maybe even a little bit of a calm energetic feeling by the time you're done here. Exercise does amazing things for the brain and body!

    This workout makes an appearance in our new 4 Week FBSweat Program - a program that lets YOU choose the length of your workout each day 

    The routine weaves together total body strength exercises, high intensity interval training (HIIT), and a cardio burnout. Both warm up and cool down are included, meaning all that you need for an awesome home workout today is a set of dumbbells (which are completely optional and can be replaced by any other object that safely adds resistance) and some motivation. 

    Remember, if you're having trouble getting started, just think of how good you always feel once you've pushed yourself through a workout & you're greeted with that Workout Complete screen. 

    Workout Structure - About this Workout
    Workout video includes cardio warm up, total body strength training, high intensity interval training, a burnout cardio round, and a cool down and stretch. I highly recommend dumbbells for the strength training portion, but you can always improvise with something around the house or even get in a great workout without any weights at all. This is an intense workout that requires a good amount of baseline fitness and understanding of form, though we always encourage everyone to modify to make exercises work for their own needs. 

    *I have included the amount of weight that I used for each exercise but it's important to realize that this is just for reference; each person will lift differently depending on their own strength/ability. Keep in mind that form is most important and once you have that down, you should be aiming to lift a weight that is heavy enough that you are really struggling by the last couple of reps in that 45 second interval.

    5 Minute Cardio Warm Up: 25 seconds per interval

    HIIT Cardio Workout: 20 on 10 off - only one time through for each interval
    2 Squat Hops + Reverse Lunge (squat hopping to the side)
    2 x Runner’s Knees & Switch
    Double Burpees
    Push Ups
    Static Squat Reverse Step Jump (stay low the whole time)
    Kickout + Step Out (burpee kickout & then step just one foot back in tall plank)
    Squat Jack Burpees
    Heel Clicks + Touch Down
    Fwd Jump, 2 Hops Back
    Lateral Leaps
    Plank Jack + Step
    Jab Punch Knee & Switch
    2 Single Leg Lateral Hops + Touchdown
    Curtsy Lunge Jumps
    Push Ups + Leg Raise
    Lunge Squat Lunge (lunge to sides, squat in center) 
    Static Squat
    Jump Squats

    Water Break

    Total Body Strength Training: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off 
    Squat + Overhead Press (16 lbs per pound)
    Close Row Tricep Extension with Step Back (12 lbs per hand)
    Bicep Curl Reverse Lunge (16 lbs per hand)
    Reverse Fly Deadlift (3 lbs per hand)
    Deadlift (28 lbs per hand)
    Woodchoppers - split the interval on each side (12 lbs per hand)
    Curtsy Ventral Raises (3 lbs per hand)
    Calf Raise Lateral Raises (3 lbs per hand)
    Bridge Fly + Extension (16 lbs per hand)
    Pullover + Bridge (16 lbs total)

    Cardio Burnout: 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off 
    Jumping Jack High Kicks
    Side Lunge Center Jumps
    Knee Pull + High Kick & Switch
    Sumo + Round Kick 
    3 Shuffles + Squat Jump

    Cool Down & Stretch

    I have to apologize to you guys because I meant to show a low impact modification for each exercise but the routine was fast paced enough (due to the lack of repetition) that it didn't really facilitate a real-time demonstration of alternate versions.

    Well, what did you think of this workout? Did you have fun with it? Did it make you sweat, and do you think you'll be sore tomorrow? I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I know I will come back to this one often!

    If you enjoy our free workouts, please share! Fitness Blender offers hundreds of workout videos for anyone, for free. We also offer very inexpensive home workout programs, which are largely what allow us to keep our workout videos free. The other reason we are able to keep FB free is because the people who workout with us share our workouts with friends and family, which means we don't have to pay for expensive advertising to keep doing what we do. So, if you like it, just pass it along!

    Happy Workout Complete!


    EDIT: Noted about the preview timing, thanks for the feedback. For this video in particular, just make sure you take a peek up at the screen a little earlier than usual.