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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

Fitness Blender's Free 5-Day Workout Challenge: Strong and Lean, Day 4

55 Min • Upper Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    Upper body & Cardio + Yoga - Day 4

    The focus of today's workout is the upper body; arms, shoulders, and upper back. We've kept the calorie burn high by adding intervals of endurance boosting cardio intervals and we mix things up with a little yoga - which also targets the upper body - at the end.

    To make this workout maximally effective, make sure to lift to challenge yourself. By the end of the strength intervals, your muscles should be feeling it - just make sure to that you make good form your first focus.

    We have lots of brand new workout videos coming your way; make sure to Subscribe to Fitness Blender on YouTube so that you don't miss them! You can use #fitnessblender on social media to find support & connect to others who are doing this challenge (FB's InstagramKelli's InstagramGoogle+TwitterFacebook

    Workout Structure:
    - Upper Body Strength and Cardio
    - Yoga

    - Dumbbells (optional)
    - Exercise Mat (optional)

    Warm Up and Cooldown:
    - Both Included

    Warm Up
    - Lateral Step Pulls
    - Toe Touch Sweeps
    - Side Bend Steps
    - Shoulder Roll Butt Kicker 
    - Ventral Raise High Knee
    - Side Lunge Reach + Reverse Fly
    - Step Behinds (hip opener)
    - Up & Outs
    - Switch Foot Jumps
    - Up and Out Jacks

    Upper Body Strength and Cardio (~30 Minutes) ABAB, CDCD (40 Seconds on, 15 Seconds Off)
    Group One
    - Decline Chest Press
    - Bent Over Row (45)

    - High Knee Pauses
    - V Jump Jacks 

    Group Two
    - Ventral Raise
    - Dumbbell Pullover

    - 321 Lunges
    - High Kick Touchdowns (one interval on each side)

    -- Water Break --

    Group Three
    - Overhead Tricep Ext
    - Bicep Curl

    - Stutter Jacks
    - Lateral Jump + Knee

    Group Four
    - Chest Fly
    - Reverse Fly

    - Fly Jacks
    - Squat Twist Knees

    Group Five
    - Arnold Press
    - Bentover Pulls (arm hanging to dorsal raise)

    - Bridge Kicks + Toe Touch
    - Lunge Jacks

    -- Water Break --

    Yoga Cooldown: (~10 minutes) 50 seconds on 10 seconds off
    Warrior Jack
    Knee Pull March
    Child’s Pose to Push Up
    Bird Dog to Arm Tuck
    Up Down Side Star
    Tricep Dip to Supine Plank Reach
    Toe Touch + Arm Stretch Seated
    Forward Lean Roll Ups + Shoulder Roll
    Kneeling Quad and Chest Stretch (holding foot with both hands)
    One Arm Childs Pose + Chest Opener
    Arm Cross Pull 
    L & R Scoops
    Shoulder Rolls + Neck (alternating forward and back + easy neck movements)

    If you're enjoying having your workouts planned out for you, we highly recommend checking out our workout programs. The 8 Week FBFit Programs are what most closely resemble this challenge, and the 8 Week FB30 Programs are also similar but require only 30 minutes of your time, instead of 50 (a great option for busy people). 

    If you have enjoyed these workouts, please consider sharing with friends and family.

    Free 5 Day Challenge 2016:
    - Day 1 (HIIT, and Lower Body)
    - Day 2 (Cardio, and Upper Body)
    - Day 3 (HIIT, Core, and Pilates Burnout)
    - Day 4 (Cardio, Upper Body, and Yoga) Current Page
    - Day 5 (HIIT and Lower Body)

    Other Free 5 Day Challenges