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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

Fat Burning Tank Top Arms Workout - Cardio Intervals + Upper Body Strength Training

34 Min • Upper Body
  • Difficulty
  • Training Type Cardiovascular, Strength Training, Toning
  • Equipment Dumbbell
  • Burn Estimate
  • Membership Free
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I love this strength training and cardio blend and I guarantee that if you do this workout video 3 times a week, in just 2 to 4 weeks, you're going to see incredible changes in your body.

I've taken upper body supersets and cranked up the calorie burn significantly by adding in cardio intervals between each set. That means that this workout is not only building metabolism boosting lean muscle, it's also going to be burning off extra calories, which can help you reach and maintain a leaner body (those well-earned arm muscles show up even better when you have a healthy amount of body fat). Here's a tip to make this workout even more effective; lift as heavily as you can with clean form. Your arms should be shaking and begging you to stop by the last couple of reps.

Workout Structure: Groups of strength and cardio exercises will be done in an ABA format; one superset of upper body strength, followed by a cardio interval, then return to the strength group for a second set before moving onto the next group. We will be doing ten repetitions for each upper body strength training exercise; each cardio interval is 40 seconds long, with 15 sec jog/boxer shuffle in-between each exercise. Both warm up & cool down are included.

How to use this workout
- For purely mass building: Do 5-7 reps in the time it takes me to do 10, with a weight that makes the last couple of reps very difficult to complete.

- For strength/lean muscle building/toning: follow along with me as shown in the video, choosing a weight that makes it very hard to finish reps 8-10.

Printable Workout
(Cardio Warm Up)

Strength & Cardio Workout
Bicep Curls
Ski Squat + Row + Tricep Extension

Slow Burpee
Fly Jacks

Overhead Press
Dumbbell Pullover

Downward Dog + Knee
Lateral Step And Reach

Lateral Raises
Ventral Raises

High Knee Pause
Jumping Jack

Reverse Fly
Chest Fly

Toe Touch Crunch
Plank Slaps

Cool down & stretch

What's next? Make smart food choices and come back & workout with me tomorrow!
Drink lots of water after you finish this workout, and make sure to stick to healthy food choices in order to help fuel your body's healing. Something different works for everyone in terms of carbohydrate, fat, and protein balance, but generally speaking you should be sticking to as many fruits and vegetables as possible, whole grains (all different kinds of beans, wild or black rice, quinoa, etc), heart healthy fats (nuts, avocados, etc), and lean protein sources. Eat for good health, not for weight loss - weight loss will follow naturally if you make your priority good nutrition.