Our AB-AB interval workout structure is back by popular demand, brought to you with the intention of burning off a great deal of calories and making your muscles burn like crazy.
All of the bodyweight exercises in this cardio workout are ones that call heavily upon the butt and thigh muscles - many of them are plyometric, which makes them great for shaping the lower body; lifting and rounding out the butt and defining the thighs and calves. Push every ounce of your strength and energy into these intervals and you're going to end up swimming in sweat and earning the satisfaction of some sore glute and thigh muscles the next day. I was definitely sore after this workout!
Workout Structure
12 Exercises
40 Seconds Active, 15 Seconds Active Rest
AB AB Format
Yoga Cool Down & Stretch
Independent Warm Up
No equipment necessary; dumbbells optional
Fat Burning Cardio Workout - Exercises in this Routine
A: Side Lunge Jacks
B: Walkdown Plank + Jump Squats or Thigh Slap Jumps
A: Surfer Burpees
B: 3 Shuffles + Floor Touch
A: High Plank Row + Side Star
B: 5 Pulse Jump Squats
A: Runner Singles
B: Lateral Jumps + Knees
A: 4 Uppercuts + 2 Hooks + 2 Ducks
B: Scissor Jacks
A: Push Ups
B: Long Jumps + 2 Jacks
There are many ways to make this workout more or less difficult to make it meet your needs. We show several different variations throughout the video of simple modifications that can help make an interval more challenging, and you can also hold onto weights while doing many of these moves to help bump up both the burn and the body shaping benefits. Instead of doing a half push up, switch to a full push up for as long as you can; keep your butt low to the ground during the side shuffles, etc. You can also make the routine easier by doing the reps more slowly, taking out the plyometric jumps (for example, doing a regular squat at the top of the walkdown plank instead of a jump squat or thigh slap jump). Do what you need to to make it work for you; just keep the focus on proper form.
We haven't included a warm up so make sure that you do one on your own, or pick one from our many different warm up cardio videos. Once you're finished with the relatively brutal lower body and cardio workout, you'll be rewarded with a yoga cool down and stretch.
You can do this workout 3-4 times a week, making sure to give muscles extra time to heal if they are sore from your last workout.