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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

Fat Burning Cardio Workout - 37 Minute Fitness Blender Cardio Workout at Home

37 Min • Total Body, Lower Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, Low Impact, Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


         Not all cardio workouts need to be intense. Especially on days where you are working on sore and/or tired muscles from a particularly hard HIIT or Strength Training routine, having a lower impact routine is very important. A less intense cardio routine will allow you to still get your workout in, without taxing your body to the point where you re-damage already sore, recovering muscle tissue.  

         A common mistake for many of those new to exercise, or coming back after a long break, is to push themselves to hard for too long. When first getting back into a routine it can be very easy to convince yourself to push through muscle soreness hoping to get to your goals sooner, but not allowing yourself to rest by either taking a day off or at least by doing low intensity workouts on "rest days" can easily wear your body down to the point of injury. When it comes to your fitness goals be sure to look at them as a life long choice rather than a quick fix.

         This routine is specifically made for beginners and those who want to workout but have sore muscles that they need to be easy on.  With this video you can choose your level of intensity by how quickly you move and how much effort you put into each movement. This allows even the beginner to customize the intensity to match their needs as well as allowing the veteran exerciser to still get in a good sweat without overtaxing recovering muscles.

         Though this routine is designed to be lower intensity it still does a very good job burning calories. Because of the total body motions incorporated into this program you can expect to burn anywhere from 6 calories per minute on the low end, to 11 calories per minute on the high end. This gives you an impressive 222 to 407 total calories burnt in this 37 minute workout video.

    We have included the exercise list used in this video, below.

    Warm Up: (30 seconds each)

    • March in Place
    • Jog in Place
    • Torso Twists
    • Row + Lateral Step
    • Deep Squat

    Workout Structure: 40 seconds each exercise with 15 sec jog/boxer shuffle in-between each exercise. Do alternating sets of each group of two exercises for a total of two sets per exercise.

    • Slow Burpee
    • Jumping Jack
    • Lateral Step And Reach
    • Ventral Jacks
    • High Knee Pause
    • Fly Jacks
    • Bicycle Crunch
    • Lunge Jack (Alternating lunge, when in lunge hands at front ankle, stand with hands over head)
    • Plank Slaps
    • Stutter Jack (regular JJ motion but pause three times bottom, top and half way on the way up and down)
    • Lateral Hops
    • High Knee Jack (hands clap under thigh every time knee goes up, alternating)
    • Side Leg Raise w/ Oblique Crunch
    • Plank with Rear Leg Raise
    • Toe Touch Kick (alternating)
    • Jumping Jack

    Cool Down: (20 seconds each)

    • Lunging Hamstring Stretch
    • Standing Single Leg Quadriceps Stretch
    • Wall Calf Stretch
    • Wall Chest Stretch
    • Wide Hamstring and Over Head Shoulder Stretch
    • Inside Thigh Stretch