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Advanced Abs Workout - 5 Minute Weighted Abs Workout

5 Min • Core
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Neither of us tend to spend a lot of time working specifically on isolated core work. We usually prefer to use dynamic total body movements that engage the core in a more functional way, but when we do tackle a core specific routine, we tend to like it quick and intense. This workout definitely fits that bill, and it makes for a great addition onto a longer HIIT or strength training workout.

    While this workout is great for the abs, that's not the only muscle group it targets; the lower back, and obliques (sides of the body) are also thoroughly worked during this routine.

    Workout Structure

    • 50 Seconds On, 10 Seconds Off
    • Warm up & cool down not included
    • You will need; optional dumbbells and an exercise mat

    Printable Abs Workout
    Toe Touch Crunches - Hold your weighted object straight up above your shoulder joint and crunch upwards to your toes.

    Russian Twists - Lean back as far as you can control and twist from left to right; the further you lean back, the harder it gets, and you can also increase the difficulty by lifting your feet up off of the ground.

    Back Bows - Stretch your arms out straight over your head, holding onto a weight if you want to make it harder, and engage your core to bring your arms, chest, and thighs up off of the ground.

    Jackknife Crunches - Lie down in a full body stretch, hold your weight in your hands, and bring both arms and legs together as if you were trying to touch your toes.

    Rotating Side Star Dips - Start in a high plank and bring one weight up to rest on the hip as you lower your body to hover over the ground. Bring the weight back down to support your weight as you roll to the other side and repeat.

    These abs and obliques exercises are relatively advanced; make sure that you have mastered the exercises before you add any additional weight.