Using active intervals of 30 seconds on and 15 off, you'll be repeating each core exercise twice before moving onto the next. This is a fast paced 15 minute abs workout without any kind of extended rest. That means that you're likely to break a good sweat doing this routine, but it's going to be over quickly!
This is a completely doable yet challenging abs workout. None of the moves are incredibly advanced, and you're always encouraged to do them at whatever pace that you need to in order to be able to keep proper form. We give you a nice long rest in between each interval so that you can catch your breath if necessary, and give those muscles that you're using a bit of a stretch so that they're ready to work hard for the next active interval.
Do keep in mind that with many exercises, faster is not necessarily better. A lot of times you can burnout a muscle more effectively by really focusing on controlling it through the entire range of motion using a consistent, slow pace for the entire range of each repetition.
Workout Structure
10 Exercises
30 Seconds Active, 15 Seconds Rest, X 2
1 Round
No equipment necessary - exercise mat optional
Abs and Obliques Workout - Core Boot Camp Exercises
Basic Crunches
Push Ups
Back Bows
Alternating Lunges
Squats + Front Kicks
Oblique Crunches + Leg Lifts
Fast Hands
Side Push Ups
Remember to keep your core engaged the entire time.
We don't just focus on the abdominals - you don't want to strengthen the front of your torso without also strengthening the opposing muscle groups (your back and obliques). You're also going to notice that this works more than just the abdominals - the thighs, glutes, and upper body also have to contribute, which helps bump up the calorie burn of this routine.
This routine is best paired with any of our HIIT or regular cardio workouts, and it also goes well with strength training. Keep in mind that you can't spot reduce fat - it takes total body strength training, cardio, and a healthy diet in order to lose belly fat.