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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

30 Minute Core Strength - Fitness Blender Advanced Core Workout

34 Min • Core
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Low Impact, Strength Training, Toning
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    Well, I have to say that getting on a plane after doing this routine may have been a mistake. Ha! I did not push myself to my absolute max, because I wanted to be sure I would be able to demonstrate clean form and not exhaust myself past the point of where I can still think straight to give verbal cues and reminders to help you get the most out of your routine. However, even with going roughly 75% of my max, this routine was enough to make my entire core stiff and sore. That is good and bad. It is good because I know it worked well and I got a great workout for my abs, obliques, and back, but it is also bad in the sense that if I am already this sore, less than 24 hours in, I am a bit scared of what my level of soreness will be like tomorrow. How many of you have had these same feelings about this or one of our other routines? I see the need for some gentle core stretching in my near future.

    This routine is not meant for beginners, so if you are new to exercising you will either need to heavily modify this routine and be sure not to use any extra weight, or just skip it altogether until your core is a bit stronger. For those of you who have been working on your abs and back strength for a few weeks/months, then you should be okay to try this routine with just bodyweight. Only use weights with this routine if you can complete it with bodyweight first and with completely clean form. By adding extra weight you can easily cause your core to become overly sore, forcing you to take unwanted down time or even cause injury that will take weeks to recover from, so please enter into this routine carefully, and as always; respect and listen to your body.

    This workout consists of a warm up followed by five groups of two exercises each with a water break halfway through the groups. Then we finish off with a cool down stretch. Take your time with this workout and pause for extra rest as needed and feel free to modify the exercises from their original form to better suit your physical ability and needs. Let us know in the comment section below how you liked this routine. Enjoy.

    Workout Structure:
    - 4 Groups; 2 Exercises Each
    - 2 Sets per Exercise, AB AB pattern
    - Intervals of 45 Sec On, 15 Off

    - None Needed
    - Dumbbells (optional)
    - Exercise Mat (optional)

    Warm Up / Cool Down
    - Both Included


    Warm Up (5 Minute Total; 30 Seconds Each)
    - Torso Rotations
    - High Knee March
    - Side Bend L
    - Side Bend R
    - Toe touch Sweeps
    - Imprint
    - Toe Taps
    - Reverse Plank
    - Plank
    - Swimmers

    Group 1 (2 Sets Each of 45 Sec On, 15 Off)
    - Toe Touch Crunch
    - Back Bow

    Group 2
    - Side Hip Raise L
    - Side Hip Raise R

    Group 3
    - Russian Twist
    - Bent Over Rotations

    Group 4
    - Crunch
    - Shell Back Extensions

    Group 5
    - Plank Dips
    - T Stabilization L&R

    Cool Down (5 Minutes Total; 30 Seconds Each)
    - Seated Side Bend L
    - Seated Side Bend R
    - Butterfly
    - Hip Stretch
    - Toe Touch Stretch
    - Cobra
    - Shell
    - Deep Glute L
    - Deep Glute R
    - Full Body Stretch

    135 - 272