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15 Minute HIIT Workout - No Equipment HIIT Cardio At Home

15 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Toning
    • Equipment No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    We have another great HIIT workout for you for when you don’t have a lot of time or you want to pull together multiple short routines. This workout video has some more challenging movements like Star Jumps and Thigh Slap Jumps so it is not for the beginner but it can be easily modified if you need it to be easier. Also feel free to swap out any of the exercises to customize it for your own personal needs.

    We have included a short warm up but if you have been sedentary for any length of time, you may want to take a bit more time on your own for a more thorough warm up as the exercises in the HIIT workout are on the more challenging side and start out relatively intense.

    The HIIT structure we used is a Tabata style 20 seconds of activity, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Whenever possible you should try to use “Active Rests” such as jogging in place, boxer shuffle, etc. rather than standing still or seated for your rest period. This will greatly increase the overall difficulty of the routine as well as improve your overall endurance. We have broken the HIIT portion into two sections, each of which consist of 6 different exercises. You will complete two sets of each exercise before moving to the next. Once you are done with the first group of six there will be a longer break for you to recover more fully before starting the next group of six. 

    Feel free to take a longer break if you are feeling exceedingly tired. HIIT is not about just trying to wear yourself out but instead doing as many repetitions as you can with 100% effort. So if your form is starting to get sloppy or you are significantly limiting your range of motion to make the movement easier then take a longer break so you can focus more on form and effort than on just getting the workout done quickly.

    Even though this routine is short you can expect to burn a high number of calories because of its level of intensity. Because HIIT is bodyweight driven and its calorie burn is directly related to how hard you push yourself the calorie burn and difficulty level can vary greatly from one person to the next. With that said the average total calorie burn will be from 78 calories on the low end to 190 on the high end.

    Workout Structure:
    - 12 Exercises Total
    - 2 Sets per Exercise
    - Tabata Intervals (20 Sec On, 10 Sec Rest)

    - None

    Warm Up/Cooldown:
    - Warm Up Included

    Warm Up: 3 Minutes (30 Sec Each)
    - Side Step Arm Swing
    - High Knee March
    - Squat Circles
    - Boxer Shuffle
    - Up and Outs
    - Jumping Jacks

    Workout: 12 Minutes (20 Sec On, 10 Sec Rest; Two sets per exercise)
    - Pop Squat
    - High Knees
    - Walk Downs
    - Burpee
    - Lateral Jumps
    - Star Jumps

    --Rest Break--

    - Plank to Push Up
    - Jumping Lunges
    - Jumping Jack
    - Thigh Slap Jumps
    - Mt. Climbers
    - Squat Jack