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OUR LATEST PROGRAMS: FB Low Impact Round 3 (4-Week Program) + Spring into Fitness (FREE 5-Day Challenge)

1000 Calorie Workout Video - At Home HIIT Cardio, Strength, and Abs Workout to Burn 1000 Calories

96 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type Cardiovascular, HIIT, Low Impact, Strength Training
    • Equipment Dumbbell, Mat, No Equipment
    • Membership Free


    This is another one of Fitness Blender’s signature 1000 Calorie Workouts that uses HIIT cardio, total body strength training, and core strength to give you everything you need in one challenging workout.

    Though it may be tempting to try and tackle one of these huge workouts everyday we highly suggest to limit the number of times you do this type of workout to 2-3 times a week maximum (never back to back) but more like once every week. These are intense workout videos that can leave you very stiff and sore the next day due to their intensity so we suggest using a workout like this one as your last workout before a one or two day rest break, or make sure to follow it up with a day or two of light training. If you still want to workout the next day be sure to use a very light workout like stretching, yoga, pilates, or light cardio. You should avoid HIIT, strength training, or any other form of high impact, high intensity exercise the day after one of these 1000 calorie workouts.

    With that said we hope you enjoy this workout and we would love for you to tell us what you think about the routine in the comment section below.

    Workout Structure:
    - HIIT Cardio 
    - Total Body Strength
    - Functional Core
    - Cooldown

    Warm Up: (5 Minutes)
    30 Seconds Each

    - Arm Cross Side Steps
    - High Knee Twists
    - Toe Touch Sweeps
    - Arm Circles
    - Push Pull Squats
    - Leg Swings L
    - Leg Swings R
    - Boxer Shuffle
    - Up and Outs
    - Jumping Jacks

    HIIT Cardio: (30 Minutes)
    Tabata 20 on 10 off three sets each; AB AB AB

    - Fly Jacks
    - Pop Squats
    - Front Jack
    - Side Lunge Pop (L and R)

    - Jump Squat Falls
    - Jumping Lunges

    - Rocket Squats
    - Mt. Climber

    - High Knees
    - Walk Down Push Up

    - Water Break -

    - Squat Drop High Kicks
    - Star Jumps

    - Traveling Spider Push Ups
    - Side Plank Toe Touch (L and R)

    - Butt Kickers
    - Burpee

    - Power Skip Reverse Lunge
    - Plank Jacks

    - Squat Lunges
    - Burpee Hold

    - Water Break -

    Total Body Strength: (32 Minutes)
    Interval style 45 on 15 off 2 Sets AB AB

    - Chest Press
    - Bent Over Row

    - Deadlift
    - Squat

    - Shoulder Press
    - Dumbbell Pullovers

    - Alternating Lunge
    - Sumo Squat

    - Water Break -

    - Overhead Tricep Ext (both arms)
    - Bicep Curl

    - Alternating Side Lunge
    - Clean and Press

    - Ventral Raise
    - Bentover Dorsal Raise
    - Curtsy Lunge
    - Calf Raise

    - Water Break -

    Functional Core Strength: (14 Minutes)
    Interval 50 on and 10 off

    - Russian Twist
    - Swimmers
    - Jackknife Crunch
    - Side Hip Raise L
    - Side Hip Raise R
    - Back Bow Crossover
    - Knee Tuck Crunch
    - Windshield Wipers
    - Back Bow Pulls
    - Toe Touch Crunch
    - Bird Dog
    - Side Crunch L
    - Side Crunch R
    - Crunch

    Stretch Cooldown: (8 Minutes) 
    - Freeform

    Calorie Burn:
    The longer the videos get the more of a difference there will be between the low and high calorie burn range. We have conservatively estimated the calorie burn on this video and it still burns over 1000 calories on the high end and can easily go even higher for certain populations. We have put an estimated total calorie burn for this video from 406 on the low end up to 1011 on the high end just for the workout itself. Remember that because we do HIIT and Strength training in this video that you will get an afterburn effect that will bring the overall total calorie count up much higher.