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1000 Calorie Workout - 90 Minute Strength, HIIT, Pilates, Kickboxing, and Core Workout

90 Min • Total Body
  • View on YouTube
    • Training Type HIIT, Low Impact, Strength Training, Kickboxing
    • Equipment Dumbbell
    • Membership Free


    Before we start into anything, we want to take a minute to thank the real heroes of the world we’re living in at the moment; nurses, doctors, CNAs, scientists, lab technicians, grocery store workers, truck drivers, and the many others on the frontlines who are keeping important systems up and running. This is a scary, stressful time. Feeling gratitude towards others, and helping others in need, can help with all of the uncertainty. If you can, donate to your local food banks - when we donated we were told that monetary donations are the safest option at this time.

    Another thing that can help lower stress levels is a good workout. Heads up though, stress can impact both energy and motivation levels. We want to encourage you to do what you can, but also to be understanding, kind, and patient with yourself. Hopefully this 1000 calorie workout leaves you relaxed and feeling accomplished - this applies whether or not you make it to the end.

    We’ve used a wide variety of training styles to keep this 90 minute workout smart and varied. In this one video, we’ll be doing total body strength training, HIIT cardio, kickboxing, core work, and a pinch of Pilates. We’ve also included a warm up and cool down.

    A lot of people are intimidated by these 1000 calorie workouts, but they aren’t necessarily as intense as some of our shorter HIIT and strength training videos. When a workout is this lengthy, you have to take the intensity down a notch, in order to be able to safely/effectively push yourself through the routine.

    We’ve provided both advanced/high impact and moderate/low impact modifications. Even with the low impact modifications, this is a pretty lengthy workout for a beginner to tackle. Related: 10 Beginner Workouts That You Can Do at Home for Free.

    Whether you’re an exercise pro or a beginner, we strongly encourage you to listen to your body all the way through this routine. Make modifications to adjust for your fitness level, your body, and what you need today. Stay tuned in to the messages your body is sending you so that you can make those adjustments. These workouts are intense; you should be well rested/recovered from your last workout when you tackle these 1000 cal workouts, and you should also give yourself a few days to heal once you’ve finished. While your body is recovering, you can keep moving with low impact movement, Pilates, going for walks, stretching, foam rolling. or other light, functional body work

    Another fun way to use this workout is à la carte - mix and match the portions of the workout that you like. The 32 minute strength session is a great workout by itself. Or, you could pair the core and HIIT portion. Or strength training + kickboxing. It’s up to you. Just make sure that you always include a warm up and cool down.

    Workout Structure

    • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Burns fat, builds fast twitch/type 2 muscle (for speed and explosive strength), increases endurance, regulates blood sugar, and boosts metabolism
    • Total Body Strength: Builds muscle, boosts metabolism, improves bone density and health, supports good mental health and mood, increases overall bodily control and mechanics, and lowers overall risk of injury
    • Cardio Kickboxing: Builds coordination and cardiovascular endurance, builds speed, and challenges the core muscles
    • Pilates: Improves body mechanics and control, builds a strong foundation by increasing strength throughout different ranges of motion, and improves flexibility
    • Core Strength: Strengthens the abs, obliques, and lower back to build a strong base for more dynamic, functional movements and workouts


    • Dumbbells (Optional)
    • Bench (Optional)
    • Mat (Optional)

    Warm Up / Cool Down

    • Both Included

    Warm Up (6 Minutes Total; 30 Seconds Each)
    - Boxer Shuffle
    - Butt Kicker + Row
    - Forward Bend + Fly
    - Torso Twist + Knee 
    - Curtsy Tap + Overhead Pull Down
    - Arm Sweep + Side Lunge
    - Step Through Lunge/Steps + Lateral & Ventral Raise
    - Other Side
    - Squat + Side Leg Raise
    - Runner + Front Kick (L)
    - Runner + Front Kick (R)
    - Up and Out Jacks

    HIIT Group 1 (6 Minutes Total; 2 Sets Each of 20 Seconds On, 10 Seconds Off)
    - Lateral Jump + Jump (or calf raise)
    - High Knee Pause

    - Walkdown Push Up
    - Rocket Squats

    - Plank Jack
    - Jumping Lunges

    HIIT Group 2 
    - Burpee + Squat Jack
    - Squat Pulses + Jumping Lunge

    - Plank to Push Up
    - Side Lunge + Jump Squat

    - Mt. Climbers
    - Star Jump

    ----- Water Break -----

    HIIT Group 3
    - Pop Squats
    - Monster Walk + Jump

    - Jackknife Getup / Reclined Oblique Crunch
    -  Side Plank + Front Kick

    - Low Side Step Squat Jump
    - Runners

    Kickboxing (6 Minutes Total; 2 sets each: 30 on, 10 off) 
    - Jab + Cross + Knee
    - 2 Hooks + Uppercut
    - Duck + Jab + Cross + Knee
    - Jab + Cross + Uppercut + Hook
    - Front Punch

    ----- Water Break -----

    Total Body Strength (32 Minutes; 2 Sets Each of 45 on, 15 off)
    - Squat
    - Tricep Kickback

    - Straight Leg Deadlift
    - Bicep Curl

    - Bridge
    - Chest Fly

    - Reverse Lunge
    - Reverse Fly

    —- Water Break —-

    - Side Lunge
    - Overhead Press

    - Clamshell
    - Pullovers

    - Side Leg Raise
    - Wide to Narrow Chest Press

    - Kneeling Rear Leg Raise
    - Plank Row

    -----Water Break -----

    Core Strength (8 Minutes; 45 Seconds on, 15 Seconds off)
    - Toe Touch Leg Drop
    - Back Bow Crossover
    - Side Crunch Left
    - Side Crunch Right
    - Crisscross Crunch
    - Bird Dog Pulse
    - Slow Drop Crunch
    - Swimmers

    Cool Down & Stretch 
    - Seated Single Leg Toe Touch 
    - Seated Single Leg Side Reach
    - Plank Calf Stretch 
    - Toe Touch
    - Quad Stretch 
    - Hip Flexor + Arm Cross Stretch 
    - IT Band + Side Stretch 
    - Wall Chest Stretch
    - Down Dog
    - Cobra
    - Shell Stretch
    - Deep Glute Stretch
    - Torso Rotation 

    We designed this workout in celebration of hitting 6 million Subscribers. We’re grateful to have work that excites us, and lights us up. Ten years into this, our small team of two has turned into a small team of six, and we have more new ideas than ever.

    We never would have dreamed that our work would have so many eyes on it, or that someday our Community would exist as it does. We worked on Fitness Blender on the side - late nights and early mornings before and after our regular jobs - for three years before we were able to support ourselves on FB alone. For the vast majority of those first three years, we had no reason at all to believe that FB would ever work. That people would find, use, and like our content, or that it would ever support us. We just kept at it, anyways. We frequently wonder & ask ourselves, “what in the world were we thinking, and why did we keep going???” We still don’t know what it was, but we’re glad and grateful that we kept pushing forward.

    Thank you to anyone who has ever worked out with us, shared our work, or supported Fitness Blender via a Workout Program purchase or FB Plus Membership. We hope to be able to keep you moving, and staying healthy, for years to come. Thank you for being on this ride with us.

    ❤️Kelli and Daniel