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NEW 4-Week Program: FB Low Impact Round 3

30 Day Challenge: Strength, HIIT, Mobility

30 Day Challenge: Strength, HIIT, Mobility Six New Progressively Challenging Workouts Each Week

42 Min/Day • 4 Weeks
  • Daily Duration Avg. 42 Minutes
  • Min. 34 Minutes
  • Max. 52 Minutes
  • Body Focus Upper Body, Core, Lower Body, Total Body
  • Training Type Cardiovascular, Strength Training, Stretching/Flexibility, Mobility
  • Equipment Dumbbell


Improve your strength while increasing cardiovascular fitness and total body functional movement with four weeks of progressively challenging workouts! As you work your way through six workouts each week, you’ll toggle your focus between resistance training, cardio/HIIT (high intensity interval training), and mobility routines to help build consistency and foster sustainable (safe) training habits. Enjoyable and effective workouts are integral to creating positive physical and mental changes for long-term training successes!  

What to expect:
The overall difficulty of the challenge increases with each week, via the duration of the workouts, the intensity levels, and complexity of the workout formats included within that week. You’ll enjoy a 30-day training cycle of all new content from our team of trainers:

WEEK 1 - Start the Challenge with an average of 37 minutes/day at a average difficulty of 2.8

  • Day 1 - Lower Body Strength + Cardio with Kelli and Daniel (37min | Level 3)
  • Day 2 - Pure Upper Body Strength with Brian (44min | Level 3) 
  • Day 3 - Core Stability & Total Body Mobility with Tasha (37min | Level 3) 
  • Day 4 - Lower Body, Pure Strength with Erica (34min | Level 3)
  • Day 5 - Upper Body Strength + HIIT Cardio Intervals with Nicole (35min | Level 3)
  • Day 6 - Active Recovery: Stretching with Kayla (35min | Level 2)

WEEK 2 - This week ups the average duration to 40 minutes/day at a average difficulty of 3.0

  • Day 8 - Bored Easily Pure Upper Body Strength with Tasha (41min | Level 4) 
  • Day 9 - Lower Body: HIIT + Lifting with Brian (40min | Level 3) 
  • Day 10 - Pilates: Core Focused with Mobility Cool Down with Amanda (40min | Level 3)
  • Day 11 - Upper Body Strength + Cardio Bursts with Erica (41min | Level 3) 
  • Day 12 - Lower Body Strength with Nicole (40min | Level 4) 
  • Day 13 - Total Body Stretch with Breath-work with Tasha (40min | Level 1) 

WEEK 3 - This week ups the average duration to 45 minutes/day at a average difficulty of 3.3

  • Day 15 - Total Body Strength: Upper, Lower, Core, all Lifting with Brian (45min | Level 4)
  • Day 16 - Walking Workout with Mobility Cool Down with Erica (42min | Level 3)
  • Day 17 - Total Body EMOM Strength Circuits with HIIT with Tasha (45min | Level 4)
  • Day 18 - Functional Balance & Mobility Work with Core Stability with Kayla (45min | Level 3)
  • Day 19 - Total Body Strength: All Lifting with Erica (45min | Level 4)
  • Day 20 - Light, Active Recovery Cardio with Nicole (45min | Level 2) 

WEEK 4 - This last week ups the average duration to 50 minutes/day at a average difficulty of 3.5

  • Day 22 - Pyramid Style Pure Lower Body Strength Circuits with Tasha (50min | Level 5)
  • Day 23 - Pure Upper Body Strength with Nicole (50min | Level 4)
  • Day 24 - Core Strength + Cardio with Amanda (50min | Level 3)
  • Day 25 - Light Cardio Warm Up + Mobility + Cool Down & Stretch with Erica (50min | Level 3)
  • Day 26 - Total Body Strength Tri-Set + HIIT with Brian (50min | Level 5)
  • Day 27 - Relaxing Total Body Stretches with Tasha (50min | Level 1)

Equipment needed:
A range of light to heavy pairs of weights (relative to what you can lift for your upper and lower body) are key to helping you get the most out of this challenge. Having more than one weight option will allow you to increase your weights as the challenge progresses in difficulty. A mat/comfortable surface is also recommended for any floorwork.

The whole FB Team worked together to make this challenge happen! The challenge was designed by Kelli, and your trainers are Kelli, Daniel, Tasha, Erica, Kayla, Brian and Amanda. Your coaches for this challenge are Tasha and Erica.