After a heavy on the legs Roamblender on Friday and our hash run yesterday, I decided to be a bit kinder to our legs for our Roamblender session today..... but not to the abs 🤣! We worked our abs extremely hard, but we all enjoyed it very much.
I also had some complex exercises on the steps today: sideways stepup up two steps plus high knee, followed by a squat on the next step and then a sideways stepup plus high knee on the other side all the way to the top! I remember K and D saying something about complex movements to keep your mind engaged as well! Well, I had a hard time going up those steps... I had to really think hard about what I was supposed to do next. And it was very quiet below me, so I guess the others were concentrating hard as well!!! Normally we are all chatting happily away (as well as always losing count of our repetitions), but not on the steps today....what a concentration! We took this pic at the top of the steps with a lovely view!
I am also incorporating quite a few exercises from Daniel’s ski preparation workout, as my hubby and me will be skiing in a little while. We used to do that ski prep workout a lot in the past, but as we now live in an apartment with downstairs neighbours, we can’t do it indoors anymore. This way I am killing two birds with one stone, I guess!
Anyway, cooldown on the beach and another great Roamblender session done! We are all now ready for whatever Christmas brings!!!!
Happy Christmas to all of you, hope you get to spend it in the best possible way! I am not spending it with my kids (too far away) but I will be with lovely friends!!!
Roamblender....abs day today!
After a heavy on the legs Roamblender on Friday and our hash run yesterday, I decided to be a bit kinder to our legs for our Roamblender session today..... but not to the abs 🤣! We worked our abs extremely hard, but we all enjoyed it very much.
I also had some complex exercises on the steps today: sideways stepup up two steps plus high knee, followed by a squat on the next step and then a sideways stepup plus high knee on the other side all the way to the top! I remember K and D saying something about complex movements to keep your mind engaged as well! Well, I had a hard time going up those steps... I had to really think hard about what I was supposed to do next. And it was very quiet below me, so I guess the others were concentrating hard as well!!! Normally we are all chatting happily away (as well as always losing count of our repetitions), but not on the steps today....what a concentration! We took this pic at the top of the steps with a lovely view!
I am also incorporating quite a few exercises from Daniel’s ski preparation workout, as my hubby and me will be skiing in a little while. We used to do that ski prep workout a lot in the past, but as we now live in an apartment with downstairs neighbours, we can’t do it indoors anymore. This way I am killing two birds with one stone, I guess!
Anyway, cooldown on the beach and another great Roamblender session done! We are all now ready for whatever Christmas brings!!!!
Happy Christmas to all of you, hope you get to spend it in the best possible way! I am not spending it with my kids (too far away) but I will be with lovely friends!!!