I’m coming into a situation where I will be moving into my own place soon, no more roommates yay, with my partner. Most of my money will sadly go to rent. I was wondering if some of you had any tips on how to eat mostly clean on a really tight budgets. I probably will have between 150$ and 300$ left, more or less, to last for 2 weeks after rent, I get paid every 2 week. I live in a very expensive town sadly. We do are using a food bank sometimes because we are already struggling and coupons is not really a thing where we are.
Any tips and suggestions would be gladly appreciated!:)
Budget clean eating
Hey everyone!
I’m coming into a situation where I will be moving into my own place soon, no more roommates yay, with my partner. Most of my money will sadly go to rent. I was wondering if some of you had any tips on how to eat mostly clean on a really tight budgets. I probably will have between 150$ and 300$ left, more or less, to last for 2 weeks after rent, I get paid every 2 week. I live in a very expensive town sadly. We do are using a food bank sometimes because we are already struggling and coupons is not really a thing where we are.
Any tips and suggestions would be gladly appreciated!:)