Who knew knitting used biceps and shoulders?! I didn't until I tried some knitting after having completed a 62 minute upper body beast of a workout - tabata style 20 on 10 off, 8 SETS PER EXERCISE. Whew! :D I'll be feeling this for a while. Week 5, day 2 of FBFit2 complete + some knitting burnout extra credit challenge :P
Who knew...
Who knew knitting used biceps and shoulders?! I didn't until I tried some knitting after having completed a 62 minute upper body beast of a workout - tabata style 20 on 10 off, 8 SETS PER EXERCISE. Whew! :D I'll be feeling this for a while. Week 5, day 2 of FBFit2 complete + some knitting burnout extra credit challenge :P