Every time that I've written in this awesome community forum has been for asking for advice, sad or lost. Recently I have discovered that I have a Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and I'm trying my best to keep it under control. But today I'm here happier, and definetly, inspired for the next week,at least!
I wanted to join the 1000 calorie workout party,just as a simbolic way to say thanks to Daniel and Kelli,for their work and commitment. I have been really fit in my past,but problems and my "little" mental issue got in the way,and now, I'm less fit. I'm still on good weight,but I feel worse...So I was scared of this workout,because it would show me how weak I have become.
I was so wrong! Even with a bit of low impact here and there, I'm in a better shape that I was expecting. I'm so happy! And I feel so strong,so empowered, I just want to come back to my training and cope with my problems,and get stronger and wiser from this situation.
Thank so much to you as well,friends all over the world,for the advices,and just for reading me!
Workout1000calories complete!!
Hi everyone!
Every time that I've written in this awesome community forum has been for asking for advice, sad or lost. Recently I have discovered that I have a Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and I'm trying my best to keep it under control. But today I'm here happier, and definetly, inspired for the next week,at least!
I wanted to join the 1000 calorie workout party,just as a simbolic way to say thanks to Daniel and Kelli,for their work and commitment. I have been really fit in my past,but problems and my "little" mental issue got in the way,and now, I'm less fit. I'm still on good weight,but I feel worse...So I was scared of this workout,because it would show me how weak I have become.
I was so wrong! Even with a bit of low impact here and there, I'm in a better shape that I was expecting. I'm so happy! And I feel so strong,so empowered, I just want to come back to my training and cope with my problems,and get stronger and wiser from this situation.
Thank so much to you as well,friends all over the world,for the advices,and just for reading me!
Happy workout complete and see you around :)